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Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens

Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens The following is the document I received, relating the story of a previous document that its author in turn received… Scrawled notes from my late colleague Blackwood were all I had to guide me. They existed only in a tattered leather-bound volume, chronicling in his own hand the final journey and his descent into sheer madness. A pity that he should have passed away in the behavioral health unit on his return to Earth without my having any opportunity to interrogate him regarding his adventures. And a pity that the authorities, fearing a similar fate that...


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Plant 42

Jill Vinston wandered the halls of the Walace state Guardhouse. She hadn't been able to find any of the other X.P.Q.R members since first arriving in the mansion, and she was starting to worry that she'd never see any of them again. There were still more locked doors in the house, but she didn't have the right keys, so she had been searching the guardhouse for anything useful. So far, she hadn't found much, aside from more zombies and an unusually large beehive at the end of one of the halls. Jill entered one of the rooms to find a bookcase...


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Sexual Compulsion Out of Space

I pulled away from the telescope momentarily to consider my sanity, and realised that I was quite hungry; it had only been six hours since I ate a truly hearty steak--the last one my freezer was stocked with--but the rumbling could not have been a lie. I abandoned the balcony to arrive almost immediately in the vicinity of my fridge, which was flung open--it was not I who left it this way. Cautiously, I listened; I glanced about and, finding nothing else amiss, I approached the cold, exposed racks. Nothing was gone or out of place among my neat assortment of...


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Lost Empire 39

0001 - Tempro                               0403 - Johnathon              growing         0003 - Conner                               0667 - Marco                      -------- 0097 - Ace                                      0778 - Jan                       0098(Lucy) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship)        0798 - Celeste                  0125 - Lars                                      0908 - Tara                        0200 - Ellen                                     0999 - Zan                     0301 - Rodrick                                1000 - Sherry        Derrick looked up from the floor at Shelby rubbing the side of his face that felt real! Not like a solid hologram but real flesh and blood! Gaining his feet he slowly backed away from Shelby who as of yet hadn't moved.   "I don't know who or what you are but there is...


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