Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens

Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens

Sinuosa, Planet of Female Aliens The following is the document I received, relating the story of a previous document that its author in turn received… Scrawled notes from my late colleague Blackwood were all I had to guide me. They existed only in a tattered leather-bound volume, chronicling in his own hand the final journey and his descent into sheer madness. A pity that he should have passed away in the behavioral health unit on his return to Earth without my having any opportunity to interrogate him regarding his adventures. And a pity that the authorities, fearing a similar fate that might await others, had dutifully hidden away his effects, including the crucial information contained in the leather-bound journal, that none might follow in his footsteps to certain demise. The brief missive I received on his return contained feverish ramblings of a creature with polypous head and tentacles capable of bringing at least seven females to simultaneous orgasm, not to mention a curious zero-gravity Ferris wheel on which five or six of them could have sex at once, mouth to pussy, pussy to pussy, and so on grace of their fabulous commercial success at fabricating every clever variety of dildo imaginable. “There were twenty or thirty naked women to greet me, and they desired that I should become naked as well. Thus wonderful things did follow…” But I am getting ahead of the story. Terrified that such an important and very scientific discovery might be lost, my professional drive would not rest unless I continued to demand the research papers I knew must exist, being so familiar with my good colleague’s penchant for exacting and descriptive records of all his travels. For the sake of human knowledge itself, for the sanctity of scholarly understanding of the universe, yea, for a meaningful and possibly deep and fluid connection as a human being with other races in the universe, to share the seeds of our technological wonder and the joy of stimulating companionship, my heated mind was burning to grasp what he had found. The lawyers were expensive, but finally they paid off when the State reluctantly surrendered to me a cardboard box containing all that was left of his belongings. Including his journal. And it was from his journal that I prized loose the coordinates to the exact planet upon which he had met his doom. In pursuit of the highest Socratic quest for truth, I could not allow such an exciting discovery to remain unprobed. So I soon found myself in a spacecraft hurtling at many times the speed of light toward a distant galaxy, a barely noticeable dot in the night sky on Earth in spite of being many times the size of our own Milky Way. It was to a certain planet orbiting a particular star in this distant galaxy that the valiant Blackwood had ventured, and where soon I would boldly fulfill my duty to mankind by experiencing in the flesh exactly what had driven my brave colleague into such a state. My body trembled with dread anticipation. I passed my time in the chilly depths of space by reading Blackwood’s accounts: The Planet of Sinuosa is inhabited by a dominant race of organisms, all of whom bear an astonishing resemblance to Earth females. Unlike the dominant race on Earth, however, they live in complete harmony with the local ecosystem and a healthy colorful biodiversity flourishes everywhere on the planet. Historically, there were males of the same species also inhabiting the planet, but as often with males of a species they were lazy and exploitative. However, unlike on Earth they were the weaker sex, so once cloning became common, it was inevitable that a war would take place between the two genders. And given that men were the weaker both physically and intellectually, they were completely eliminated by the authoritarian hard-line lesbian regime. The dominant race includes skin colors never seen on Earth. Deep red, blue, green, or purple are common, with hair in a like variety of shades, but with a sheen and richness of subtlety never seen on Earth, even with fancy dyes. In addition, the creatures are all exquisitely beautiful, and sometimes quite young in appearance although being many hundreds of Earth years old. Their physique is quite similar to that of Earthly females, except that their bodies are naturally hairless, aside from their often spectacularly flowing headful of silky softness. Pubic hair is often though not always absent. One gets a feeling of reptilian smoothness, though the skin is soft and quite pleasant to caress, with an aroma that is compelling sexually even to the human male. A mild ocean-proximate climate pervades the entire planet, similar to that of Hawaii on Earth. As a result of the benevolent meteorological outlook, clothes and body coverings are rare, although decorative bracelets, rings, tattoos, makeup, nail polish and so on to enhance sexual appeal are common. The alien organisms have evolved a sophisticated understanding of the principles of attraction related to the reproductive (or proto-reproductive) act, in sight, sound, smell, touch and taste, and they are quite competitive at displaying their superiority to others in that aspect. There is a gestation period after birth coincidentally the same length of time as eighteen Earth years. During that period, the young creatures inhabit their own continent in which they are kept completely clothed and shielded from absolutely any suggestion of sexual innuendo or activity. This continent is named Innöcençîa . (There was a map in the journal) Inhabitants of Sinuosa are not keen on allowing others to land on this continent. Attempts to do so will result in death or worse. But once the alien creature reaches adulthood, it migrates to the continent of Ŗibældiâ , where open sexuality with all is an accepted and indeed enforced cultural norm. It is common for these creatures to engage in erotic contact in the course of everyday activities. A very strict code of conduct requires citizens to stimulate those around them in many various ways, often as dictated in specific by their complex etiquette and tradition of manners, though free-form expressions are also common. A Sinuosian will feel you are being impolite if you do not touch her sensuously with fingers, lips, or tongue, on her breasts or clitoris when you greet her, even during a random happenstance encounter on the street. If said stimulation happens to result in sufficiently elevated desire, it is only considered polite to engage in juicy carnal contact leading to climax as part of the greeting. Those around will often join in. For this reason, simply walking down a crowded street can take a while, but Sinuosans have plenty of time. I leafed ahead through Blackwood’s leather-bound journal and continued reading… From extensive experimentation, I have determined while their sexual organs are equally accommodating (in fact more so) to the human penis, erect or limp, than those of the Earthly female, it is impossible for them to become pregnant from the sperm of a male human. Their sexual openings are located in the pubic arch as with human females, but they are equipped with a kind of suction that allows them to take in a contracted penis and inside the vaginal tunnel the variety of stimulation they can provide is of a much wider range than one finds in the human vagina, especially with the more skilled specimens. The creatures are often equipped with a small tail, which is effective at curling around to penetrate the male, thus stimulating the prostate while the male sexual organ is present and erect inside the female’s vaginal passage. Reading these words sent a thrill of scientific vision and discovery through my body. What could be more stimulating than the quest for truth? It was at that moment that a pleasant chime sounded. The landing had been so smooth that I hadn’t even noticed, and a door opened to the sweet-smelling floral scents of the alien atmosphere. When I stepped down the boarding ramp of my ship, I saw a greeting party of maybe twenty or thirty naked women waiting for me. All shapes and sizes were represented: ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Breast size varied from almost invisible to rather large, and a few were of colors one would not find on earth. A woman with deep blue skin and dark red hair gathered in a sparkling tiara stepped forward in the sunlight under the sparse elegant clouds drifting lazily across the sharp azure sky. Her breasts were full and round, giving her a pleasant cleavage, her red nipples distinct against the background of her dark blue skin. Her feathery pubic hair was a flaming yellow-orange and her eyes were bright purple. Lines in yellow body paint stood out against her dark skin. “Greetings stranger. From where do you hail?” I remembered reading in Blackwood’s notes that, by a miraculous coincidence, the creatures spoke perfect English. Incredible! “I hail from Earth,” I said. “Earth,” she repeated, and all those around echoed the word “Earth.” “Earth,” she said. “We would like to perform our traditional greeting ritual for strangers, but we find that your apparel obstructs the necessary access. Would you mind removing it?” “Oh, of course!” I said, embarrassed at my nearly unforgivable social gaffe. Sinuosans were sometimes subjected to corrective punishment for such a slip. They all watched while I removed my garments, and when I pulled down my underwear to reveal my cock, they gasped. “Alexia, come here,” said the frowning tiara’d woman sternly to another. They whispered with each other, each with a hand on the other’s nipple as protocol demanded. Meanwhile I scanned the surroundings. We were near what looked like a giant adult playground, with all sorts of see-saws, swings, and so on, but unlike those one sees ordinarily, they were all equipped with dildos, often two- or three-pronged ones. Nearby, one of them was in use. It was a horizontal beam populated with a row of maybe ten double dildos, and currently with three women moaning and writhing in sexual ecstasy. Two were front to back, with a double dildo from the rear woman’s pussy to her partner’s anus, and the third was facing the front woman, dildoing pussy to pussy. The ones on the ends had one of the two forks of the next dildo in their assholes, ready for another woman to jump on the other behind them, facing either way. It was an engineering miracle. Gauging by the reactions of users, it was quite effective. Off to the other side I saw a kind of see-saw similarly adorned, with four women riding, two on each side. Two were facing front to back, and the rear one was reaching around to the other’s breasts. The other two were face to face, kissing and sucking erect nipples. One of them saw me and shot a gaze of intense longing. I ached to go over and explore this opportunity for diplomacy, but was petrified that I might slip and commit another social error. Dark blue Ms. Tiara turned to me again. “Pardon me. I was consulting with my assistant regarding proper procedure in this circumstance. Officially, males must be put to death immediately. But I have just been informed there is to be a temporary exception for those from other galaxies. Therefore, we will adapt the traditional ritual accordingly and greet you as a cherished friend.” They were lining up in front of me. “We will each taste of your lips and sexual organ, and then you will do the same in return.” The words “will do” had an ominous ring to them. I was nervous to make sure I didn’t commit any more social infractions, as I was unclear on what punishments might result. “You will recline on the ritual platform,” continued Ms. Tiara. The platform was being brought over. It was low to the ground, and highly ornate, in white in gold that sparkled in the light of this planet’s sun, about as wide as my body. When I climbed on as indicated, it was quite comfortably padded and lined. I felt something creeping into my rectum effortlessly reaching to the magic spot inside me. My cock sprang up as it hit. These creatures had developed such a wondrous array of technology. The specimen in front of the line looked human, lithe and thin with long blonde hair. Close in appearance to a homo sapiens ready to enter college, though I knew she must be at least a hundred Earth years old. She knelt down to take my glans into her mouth, and I felt the tip of her tongue tasting me. Then she walked around and lowered her pussy to my lips while the next girl stepped up to taste my cock. The pussy had a flavor that was sharp yet sweet, and the taste of it notched up the hardness of my cock while mysterious unseen lips caught me in their taffy elasticity so a rough moist tongue could explore. As I mentioned, there were twenty or thirty of them in the line, so it took a while. Some of them walked around from my cock to my lips, but others waddled over me on their knees, the moist of their pussy sometimes touching parts of me. But I gathered that the protocol forbade excessive pussy contact at this phase. It was apparent after maybe fifteen or so of them had conducted both portions of the ritual that the girls were jilling themselves in line before they got to me, as they started to be right on the brink of orgasm as they arrived, only to pop in joyful epileptic fits when my tongue touched their clitoris, delaying the end of their turn until the blissful seizure finished, leaving my face covered in delicious slime. I almost came when a golden-skinned girl with a richly tinted lion’s mane of hair (on her head only) started her moaning contractions on my lips, but just then the stimulation below subsided, and next up was a flaming redhead beautiful but modest breasts, very light pastel purple skin and chartreuse eyes. She repeated the same act of reaching climax on my lips, spilling more than a few drops all over my face, but this time the girl in charge of my cock was diligent and intent on taking her full turn. I caught a glimpse of her under the redhead’s crotch. She was kneeling, thin, waifish and little, with dark black hair in tight curls and pale skin that was an enticing shade of light turquoise. Her bright red eyes (and matching eyeliner) hit me like a bolt of thunder. My brain was not involved in what happened next, which was the most glorious orgasm I have ever witnessed in my life, shoving drops warm mucous onto the waifish girl’s tongue one by one. She smiled when she realized, but kept me in her mouth sucking, while the redhead shoved her clitoris once more into my tongue. At this point there was a commotion, which I experienced in a daze while recovering. Midnight blue Ms. Tiara was upset. “There has been a rupture in protocol,” she enunciated sternly. “He’s already spilled seed and there are still four girls left.” “Five,” insisted the flaming redhead, still poised over me. “The rupture took place before I had finished the ritual.” Ms. Tiara rolled her eyes. “All right then, five.” (the redhead gave a little silent applause) Tiara continued. “We must devise an appropriate punishment. Alexia!” She consulted with Alexia while I sat up to see who the five remaining were. One of them was identical to the golden-skinned girl that had almost made me come, and it turned out they were twins. Clones, actually. The redhead had a number of clones who lived nearby, as did some of the other girls. Twin sex on this planet was easy to find. Having a redhead at each end was an absolute delight, and there was nothing more they loved doing, as was true with most clones. They got a special thrill from taking an unsuspecting victim together. But I am ahead of myself. Aside from the golden-skinned girl (also delightful when accompanied by her clones), there was the redhead and the waifish black-haired girl. Next was a short girl with long blonde hair and enormous breasts. Followed by a small dark blue girl with short black hair, faintly gold at the tips. Ms. Tiara broke away from her private conference. “Your punishment will be what we call ‘The Golden Thread.’ The five of you must remain together with him until he has spilled his seed into all of you. Any orifice will do.” The redhead was beaming. Ms. Tiara spoke up to the rest of them. “Ladies, the first phase of the ritual has been interrupted, so we will re-commence the remaining phases once the protocol has been re-established. You may disperse.” In a wink they all vanished, and I was left still sitting on the ritual palenquin surrounded by five beautiful naked women. I looked around at them. “Now what?” I said. “I am afraid I am not very good at these protocols. Perhaps if I had finished reading Blackwood’s journal…” Not to mention, I hadn’t reached the point where he might have given a clue as to why he went mad! The women on the long bar had been joined by a few others, and all were gyrating happily. Meanwhile the see-sawing had ceased. The girl who had looked at me so longingly approached timidly. “Let’s try the Ferris wheel!” exclaimed the redhead. See-saw girl had her eyes fixed on me. “I had a dream about you,” she said. “I was meant to give myself to you.” She was a beautiful young lady, thin and upright with long dark brown hair and intense steel-grey eyes. “You will have to wait until we have completed the ritual,” said the red-haired girl. “Protocol demands it.” See-saw girl gazed longingly at me. “I would wait until the end of time,” she said. “I don’t think it will take that long,” I said. “My name is C’lalitha,” said See-saw girl, adhering to the Sinuosa code of manners by reaching out her finger to touch the redhead’s clitoris before speaking. The redhead reached her hand in like manner. “Mbwati,” she said. The two of them enjoyed some moments of mutual stimulation, kissing and sucking each other’s nipples at the same time, then kissing each other on the lips. It was common for girls to introduce themselves in this manner. Sort of how the French greet one another. “Can I at least do Kibooties?” asked C’lalitha, finger still on Mbwati’s clitoris, as the other’s was still on hers. As I later found, ‘kibootie’ is the Sinuoasan word for tagging along behind with a double dildo while the party in question has an orgasm from a different source. A cross between “kibbitz” and “caboose.” Mbwati nodded her beautiful head of red hair. “I think we can sneak it in,” she said, smiling. Meanwhile, the short blonde with enormous breasts had leaned over to place a big juicy kiss on my lips while she stroked my cock. “Earth, I am Ana,” she said. “Pleased to meet you,” I said, following the example of C’lalitha and Mbwati by reaching down to stroke her clitoris. She smiled and stood up to reach for a kind of clear fruit hanging from what you might call a tree, although the complex bizarre shape and blue-green color of the leaves were like nothing one would find on Earth. She was too short to reach the fruit, so I stood and extended my hand for it. “Careful!” she said. “It’s fragile.” Gently I plucked it and handed it to her. She lay face-up on the ground and squeezed it between her breasts. It burst into a large drop of viscous sweet-smelling fluid which she rubbed in to her cleavage. With a sly smile, she beckoned me over. I should mention that the ground cover everywhere I could see was a soft green carpet of some kind of moss or silky grasses. It was thick and plush, but I didn’t feel any kind of itchiness from the sap like one gets on a lawn. On the contrary, the tiny soft leaves and fronds were lightly coated with a soothing and sweet-smelling kind of lubricant substance akin to that from the clear fruit that had just exploded between Ana’s breasts. She placed my hardening cock between her enormous boobs and squeezed me between them. I dove into a blissful ocean of sensuality, thrusting against her chest, my sensitive penis immersed in the oily flesh. The black-haired waifish girl lay on her back before me, spreading her legs to shove her smooth pussy in my face. The enticing aroma invited my tongue. I had no say in the matter. My tongue found her clitoris and she began to moan as I thrust against Ana, the big-boobed short blonde. I felt a gentle tendril creeping into my rectum, and turned around to see that C’lalitha, the see-saw girl was indeed taking her position for kibooties behind me. She smiled lovingly. She leaned forward to whisper in my ear “I want to feel you come.” I felt a little thrust as she let me know she meant business. I smiled back, twisting my head enough to steal a quick kiss from her lips. But it was a bit contorted that way. We would kiss more later. Meanwhile, the golden-colored girl with her lion’s mane was facing me with a wolfish grin, lowering her pussy onto the lips of the dark-haired waif, while I returned my lips to the pussy of the same. Now I was fucking Ana’s enormous breasts while I kissed black-haired Waif’s pussy and Lioness sat facing me on Waif’s lips. While C’lalitha participated from behind me, punctuating the contours of movement with with wisdom and sensitivity. The next time I came up for air, Lioness leaned forward, pussy still on Waif’s lips, and kissed me on the lips. While that was going on, she got up and walked on her knees to where her pussy was directly over Ana’s lips, which were very close to Ana’s breasts that I was fucking. Lion girl sat on Ana’s lips with a vocalization of ecstasy. Her breasts now were pressed against my chest as she moved up and down with her pelvic thrusts. She kissed me again. Waif, perhaps somewhat miffed, got up to watch from the side, leaning back between the legs of the dark blue girl who was watching, resting against a kind of low seat back that was right there. The dark blue girl grinned and reached around from behind to play with Waif’s clitoris. They kissed briefly and continued watching. I realized that Dark-Blue would be tasting my sperm right now from the tongue of pale black-haired Waif. I longed for Lioness, who was dancing joyfully on Ana’s lips in front of me, and as it happened she flipped over so she was on her hands and knees. I felt myself slipping out from between Ana’s breasts, but it was for a higher good. Ana was guiding my relentlessly stiff member into Lioness’s dripping pussy from behind. My mind flashed to how having Lioness’ pussy on my lips had almost made me climax, and here I was pushing my hard cock into her sister’s almost identical pussy. I felt the opening and I pushed. It was like nothing I had ever felt on Earth. The Sinuosan vagina is much more versatile in its devices for stimulating the male sex organ, and here was my first taste of it. “God, I love you!” I cried out. I felt Ana’s tongue on my balls as C’lalitha gently supervised my fucking of Lioness from behind. The amazingly long mane of flowing locks fell wildly across the smooth golden back that arched and bowed in front of me as I pressed into her buttocks with my thrusts. Her thick graceful waves of glittering hair varied in shades of deep gold and chocoloate brown, with highlights in sunshine yellow. Like a sinfully sweet confection, it made me want to devour her completely. With a big grin, redheaded Mbwati sat on the green carpet and spread her legs open in Lioness’s face. The latter wasted no time in bringing Mbwati to expressions of anguished joy that accompanied sexual bliss. After a time, Mbwati leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, then she lay on her back and squirmed underneath Lioness into sixty-nine position, thus displacing Ana from beneath me. I felt Mbwati’s tongue now on my scrotum. Ana sat back for a bit, watching me fuck Lioness from behind while she performed sixty-nine with redheaded Mbwati beneath us, and C’lalitha behind me continued to make her presence felt gently against my prostate, whispering in my ear as long strands of her hair brushed my back, and her tiny nipples now and then pressed against me. Next I knew, Ana was leaning back orthogonal to our bodies, her head resting on Lioness’ back in front of me. We kissed. To be courteous, I played with her nipples and huge breasts. Meanwhile, the blue-skinned girl had her head between Ana’s legs, and Ana was headed towards a climax. Waif was fucking dark blue from behind with one of their wondrous dildos. Ana’s sweet kisses propelled me onward as I felt deep inside of me the loving physical connection with the three other girls. And indeed, Ana was the first to reach orgasm. Sensing her climax against blue’s lips on my own lips, I fell into a wildly unbridled series of thrusts sending hot drops of passion into Lioness, as C’lalitha behind me pushed in a way that at once made me want to cry from deep sadness and sing with limitless exuberant celebration. The emotional circuit completed when she emitted a little gasp of orgasm. “I love feeling you come,” she whispered calmly into my ear, “My sweet soulmate.” Passing by, a purple alien with fluorescent blue nipples called out “You guys should really try the Ferris wheel!” And here ends the scrap of narrative found in the aforementioned document that reached me through reliable sources which I’m not at will to disclose. As you can see, it is entirely unsatisfying with regard to a number of questions that it leaves fully unanswered. What then was the cause of Blackwood’s madness? What of the fearsome tentacled creature lurking nearby, capable of bringing so many to climax simultaneously as the ritual demanded? Would our intrepid Earthling succeed in fulfilling the requirements of Ms. Tiara and Alexia, or would he be doomed to yet other diabolical punishments? Join me in hopes and prayers that for the edification of all, further information will soon be revealed to set at rest our terrible imaginings. Until then we can only picture with horror what awful occurrences must have subsequently transpired in all of their glorious and resplendent filth. In such sinister surroundings, how many perils and pitfalls lay on the path down the slippery slope into the slimy chambers of pure prurient decadence!

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