First time sharing my wife

First time sharing my wife

Well I really dont know how to start this story so lets just jump straight into it. This is a real true story that happened and now im sharing it with all you guys. After your done reading this story and are interested in pictures or videos, please email me at [email protected] .So my story all started about 2 years after being married. But before we get into the heavy details let me fill you in about us. My name is Ethan and Im a 25 year old hispanic male and my wife angelina is a 22 year old hispanic female. We dated since high school and eventually ended up getting married. We have an amazing marriage and an even better sex life. I cant complain one bit. So after we got married i started getting these weird urges to see my wife do something naughty and sexy. So i started looking on videos on swinging , cuckold, sharing wifes, and threesomes. Thats when i knew what i wanted exactly. I wanted to share my wife sexually. Now the problem was with who, who did i trust enough to help make this fantasy a reality. So little by little i started to bring up bits and pieces of what i wanted to my wife thru text messages and fantasy talk in bed. I want to say that at some point she got the picture lol . So then i started to think with who can i trust enough to go on this sexual adventure with. Then it hit me , my high school best friend. So then the only hard part was getting my wife to agree and approve. So one day i mentioned to my best friend in joking that we should swap pictures and videos of our wives and to my surprise ...he agreed! So back at home i told me wife that my best friend angel got into a sexaul conversation and her name came up. To which she asked why? & And i said well he said that he thinks your sexy and have a nice round ass. Now my wife is 5'4 b cup chest and a sexy round ass. So luckily for me my wife always let me take sexy pictures of her and she would also send me sexy pictures. So i teased my wife into maybe sending him one as a tease. Only he wont know that she knows that i sent it. So she was shy at first and allowed me to send a picture of her on all fours wearing see thru tights with a white thong(message me for picture). As soon as my best friend angel recieved that he flipped and was drooling via text lol. & my wife seeing this enjoyed it and liked it and starting opening up more to sending more pictures and even more sexier ones. Let me tell you , the sex got sexier and crazier every night. My wifes pussy was even more wet than its been and she was turned on and it really turned me on! So i wanted more. So over the course of that month i brought up the million dollar question. If she was ok to have a threesome with my best friend. She first said no , but as time went on and we talked about it more , she finally agreed. So i wanted it to be a surprise to my best friend angel. So that weekend we went to a sex shop, him and i . And bought something sexy for my wife. I bought her a lacy hot pink outfit which she filled up ever so sexy! And he bought some stuff to use with his wife. Little did he know whatever i was buying for my wife was eventually going to be for his pleasure. So that was friday , and the day after was the big day. My wife was very nervous and im not going to lie I was super nervous as well. So my wife did her hair all sexy and curly and threw on the hotpink outfit. And i had told angel to come over to hang out. So he came over and we were hanging in the gameroom. I offered him a couple of drinks and we were just chating and drinking. Then i excused myself and went to my bedroom and my wife was looking ohhhh sooo sexy! But she was really nervous. So i gave her a couple drinks and told her to call my cell phone and ill answer it on speaker and tell me that you need our help moving the desk in our bedroom. That would be our que to go in. So i kissed her , spanked her ass and went back to my gameroom. About 5 minutes passed by when my phone rang...and she said her line "baby can you guys come in here and help me move this desk". So i was like ok coming. So i let angel go ahead of me and when we got to my bedroom door and he opened it , my wife was laying on the bed so sexy pointing to him signaling him over to the bed. At first he held back a bit but then i told him go get it and he went ahead and laid in my bed. My wife then grabbed him and started kissing him and he started kissing her back passionatley. The liquor did help alot with breaking the ice. So angel was timid at first to grab her ass so my wife had to grab his hands and place it on her ass. And then he started to grab like there was no tomorrow. I immediately got hard and started recording..first my wife was on top of him kissing and grinding back and forth. Then she hopped off him and removed his jeans and started jerking him off and kissing then she jumped back on him and had him touch and grab her everywhere. Then she switched positions with him and laid on her back and grabbed his head and pushed it down to her pussy. & he started licking away at her pussy. Then my wife called me over and started giving me head while getting her pussy eaten out.Then she turned him on his back and went down on him and sucked his dick every so nice. Then she looked at me and asked me for a condom. I went and passed her a condom and he put it on and then she positioned herself on top nicely and then i witnessed my best friend push his dick into my wifes pussy! He slid it in and my wife immediately started riding him , bouncing her ass up and down up and down. I swear it was so fucking sexy.Just typing about it is getting me excited. Thank god i got it on video so if i need a refreshing moment. I got it. Then after riding she start jumping up and down on him hard and started to grind on his dick hard. Then she stopped at a moment and stared at him and started to kiss him passionately. Then they decided to switch positions and my wife got on all fours and he went right behind her and started pounding. I layed next to them recording and lit up a cigarette and just watched as my best friend was thrusting his dick in and out of my wife. And hearing my wife moaning and just taking it and enjoying it was just indescribable. So as i had the camera underneath them while they were on doggystyle i saw there was some drops. At first i thought it was my eyes since the only thing lighting the bedroom was a candle and the flash on the camera. But then when i moved to a better position i witnessed the most sexiest thing i have ever witnessed. My wife was literally dripping from her pussy. Wouldn't really call it a squirt but she was so excited and turned on she was dripping this very whitish clear liquid. And with every thrust my best friend gave her it would trickle down her stomach and fall on the bed. So sexy and thank god i capturd it on film! So after a couple of minutes they switched positions and he went on top of her and put her legs over and started pounding her relentlessly until he finally reached his point and cummed. Then she looked at me and signaled me over and i gave the camera to my best friend and went on top and pushed her legs over her head and started to pound her. Honestly speaking i didnt last very long due to all the excitement haha. But man was it well worth it. Well this pretty much wraps up my first sharing my wife encounter. So far there have only been two encounters and am working on doing the third one. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this in-depth look on true sharing experience. If you want to see some pictures of that night please feel free to email me and request pictures and let me know how you liked our true story at [email protected] If you guys are interested as well i can write about the second time i shared my wife. The second one was alot kinkier than the first. Anyways let me not get started hahA THANKS FOR READING and really do hope you enjoyed it. Till later.

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