My Wife Would Live To Regret Her Unfaithfulness.

My Wife Would Live To Regret Her Unfaithfulness.

Chapter One The Body of this Story is about Forced Sex, & Bi Sexual Women, this section will have four chapters ,and I aim to write part two ASAP.. I always had the fantasy of having three women in the same bed, I have given this great thought,and even discussed with my wife July, she said she did,nt want to play any part in it, but I had other ideas, so I put my idea to the other parties which were all in the scheme of things, and they both said they had always fancied raping my wife...July and I did not see eye to eye any more, and like the others I also had the incling to have forced sex with her.........July was 26 years old, she worked in a College as a Gym instructor, she had a cracking figure, medium sized breasts ,that would hang firmly out of their bra, and her pussy ,what a delight, nice and tight, blonde pubic hair, and to go with that an arse which any man or woman would love to shag.... I new that July was shafting younger men at the Gym, but when it came to my turn , their was always an excuse, time of the month,Im sure you all know what I mean............ The other two in the scheme of things were women the first Cathy, she was 29 yrs, single and bi, she had a good body , with a decent pair of firm tits, I longed to get my cock between them, and I was hoping my chance was just around the corner.....Cathy was 4.7" Tall and weighed about 9.8 lbs, she also worked in the same college as July and new of her body,as they often showered together in the communial shower area,,, and then their was Mel she was 24 yrs,about 10 stone and 5.10 inches tall, like the others worked in the College computer room teaching girls from the age of 15 - 19, she was a very much a hands on teacher,and like Cathy was also bi, in fact she had recently had a little party at her flat,invited some of her pupils ,for extra cirriculum,well thats what she called it, sounds more like a young pussy party,and she got to taste all.... Im Mac, Im 29 years old,stand 6.3", and weigh around 13 stone, I am a self employed and re design gardens, make good money, and use the freedom to enjoy myself, July and I got together about 8 years ago, and we bought a second home in Cornwall, A good investment, a place we used a lot,and an ideal place for a good weekend party, the bonus about this place ,is that we were at least a mile from anyone else, no-one could here the screams...........................Cathy & Mel suggested that we organise a suprise party in Cornwall, as it was 1/2 term, they could bring some of the freindly pupils down as well ,make it look and feel totally authentic.....I was going to enjoy this....... We decided to make it 3 days from now, which meant we half way through the half term,, I said to July about she and I having having a short break together in Cornwall, no thanks, Im going off with Giles & Richard, were off there ourselves for a Running Weekend, well a week actually, we are going to practice for the next Marathon , when are you going down I enquired, three days time, well I hope you enjoy yourself, Oh I will she said, she always teased me about my 5" Cock, She liked to tell me how she always fancied having Eight Plus Inches, but she never admitted to playing away............. 2. The scene was set, but I offered to take July down to the cottage myself, telling July that I was going to go across to East Cornwall, for a week away,in the meantime Cathy had been rather sneeky,rang Giles and Richard, told them the she had booked the Cottage herself,had paid us for it,and was,nt going to give it up,and therefore the running weekend was off, they also were told that July had been called away to her parents up in Yorkshire, and she had not taken her mobile as Mac was going to buy her a new one , because hers had packed up........Cathy told me what she had done,and said that she and Mel, and four of their charges would meet us down there....Well done I said, by the way did July,s runners except all she said to them,yes she said, I further told them that July would be in touch on her return.......... Before going July and I set off, I removed her sim card out of her phone and replaced it with another, it had a block on it,so the phone was now inoperable..So we decided to set off at the crack of dawn,I was so looking forward to the time away, although I new our relationship was dying a very quick death, I still had the desire to give her a good seeing to, she was good in bed, and she had an awesome mouth for oral sex.she new exactly how to tease the cum out of your cock, and give you a lasting pleasure....but as far as I new she had never tasted or had anyone else taste her pussy(female)............ Cathy and Mel and the girls that went down with them,had already prepared the cottage ,with fresh linen, a couple of camp beds, refreshed the fridge & freezer, not forgetting the bar, and had organised a pair of real tough handcuffs,because July is very strong,and would definatly put up a fight,so we new we had to shackle both her wrists and her ankles...A ball gag & rope was also purchased, and they fastened it to the solid Oak door leading into the study area, the idea was Whilst I unpacked the car, she would go in, because she thought her lovers would be here waiting for her,and Mel Cathy & the others would sought out and bloody quick..........My cock just grew & grew with the thought of fucking my wife and especially Mel, she oozed sex appeal, and I didnt know who they had brought down with them,all I did know was they were liberated and all sexualy active, and there,s nothing like fresh pussy to ease a mans cock and desires....... We were about 10 miles from our destination, July was fast asleep, and I sent a quick text to Cathy, telling her of our pending arrival, she aknowledged it, OK.R.&.W.(Ready & Waiting).......At the cottage we had a automatic gate installed, and as I aproached, the gate was already open, anyway I just drove up outside the house, parked the car, and July woke up, she rubbed her eyes and yawned,looked around and saw no other cars,I wonder where the boys are she said,maybe there out ,and Im sure you,ll find a note inside,guess your right, opened the door,grabbed and over night bag , and proceeded to make her way to the front door. The Cottage consisted of 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms,Dining area large kitchen and bathrooms etc,9 rooms in all, We also had a large conservatory built in the garden......... July hesitated as she went to open the door, whats wrong I shouted ,nothing I thought I heard someone speakiing inside,well it could be the boys I said,but where,s there car, she replied... You go on in , I,ll sort your luggage out,she opened the front door to be greeted by Mel & Cathy, by the time she realised that they were not was she was expecting, they had collered her ,with a firm grip, and attached her ankles to the shackles in bloody quick time.......She fought hard, and the fists they did fly, but with the help of the other girls present,they secured her tightly to the oak door,and even got the ball gag fixed into position... 3. I then entered the room, she looked at me,in a whimpering fashion,tears running down her cheeks, I told her that I was really pissed off with her,she had been shagging Giles & Richards and others I hasten to add, an yet always turned me down ,with some feeble excuse, and this weekend I was going to fuck her good and proper,and if she new what was good for her she would not fight back,as she was NOT going to get rescued and I would have no hesitation in hurting her....she then looked at Cathy Mel & the girls, Im assuming she was wondering how in heavens name I was intending to shag them all..... July was wearing a rather sexy outfit, and as usual no bra, her breasts did,nt need it, she had a very pretty blouse which ties at the waist,and tight jeans whiched hugged her figure and 4" heels, which always pushed her pussy out,made her crutch very proud.......... Mel , put her hand onto July,s left breast and squeezed it roughly, she cooed ,saying that she was looking forward to getting her tongue around her nipples and tasting her pussy, Cathy came over and looked at the prone body,and just licked her lips in anticipation, she took the zip on July,s jeans and slid it down, and putting fingers into the gusset of her panties, oh she,s lovely and wet ,and smells a treat, she licked her finger, and offered her middle finger out to whoever wished to lick it , one of the girls stepped forward and took Cathy,s digit ,and sucked it, I like pussy she said. Mel, yes Mac, would you please introduce me to your guests, also before I make any mistakes, are you all bi sexual, yes came the reply,we all like cock as much as pussy, so off we go .A tall girl stepped forward introducing herself as Sally, to my right is Kit,Pattie & Sue, she said that she was 18 yrs old ,Kit was 16 yrs,Pattie 15 yrs & Sue also 15yrs......Sue was about 4.2" tall and weighed around 8 stone, a had a decent figure, she sidled up to me and placed the flat of her hand over my now very hard cock, Oh she said this is just ripe for my mouth, I nearly came in my pants, but you and Pattie are both under age, as we are both 16 whilst were here ,I don,t think thats a problem...I said to Sue I will look forward to sucking her tits, she replied great.... As it was quite late ,it was decided to eat first and play later, Cathy sugested that we romove July from the door, and tie her to a chair at the dining table, this was done without any fuss, I noticed out of the corner of my left eye that Pattie began to pay attention to July,s ever increasing nipples, she open one or two of her blouse buttons, and started to twist and prime her nipples , they became very erect, whilst all this was going on, Kit came over to Pattie who was a similar size to herself, and before my eyes undid the zip on her skirt,and removed it, quickly followed by her panties..So there was me with a raging hard on, watching these two messing about , Pattie started to kiss Kit, poking her tongue into her mouth, exchanging long passionate kisses,and Kits fingers did,nt take long to trace their way down to Patties Pussy, she dipped in fingers in ,proceeded to play with her clit, her knee.s were trembling, she nearly keeled over with excitement and passion, Mel stepped into the room,announced the meal is ready,and then to Kit what are you two doing, please stop and lets sit down & eat, and we all sat down.....I was sat along side Pattie and Cathy was on my other side,we spoke about many subjects, and Pattie let her hands wander, first to my crutch and secondly to July,s who was tied to the chair along side her, and of course Pattie was still without clothing to her lower half, she just oozing sex, I placed my fingers on to her wide open pussy, oh it was beautiful, just a small amout of pubic hair ,shaped into a heart design...I had to concentrate on my meal...... July spoke to me ,and said ,Mac I assume you also want to make love to me,No I said, Im going to FUCK you, and fuck you hard, your going to regret going off with those boys , I know my cock is small compared to theirs but ,I still used to satisfy you,or was all that a lie, no she said ,she used to enjoy me,so what changed I asked her, no excitement she replied ,well you going to get some here, how do you feel about being fucked by a woman?, I never gave it any thought,although when I masturbate at home,I often think about being raped by women, it seems July that your wish and my fantasy will come true very soon. She nodded her head in agreement.. I think she was comming round to what was going to happen,not only that she excepted her fate and was aiming to go with the flow, and role play if it was required..I had not seen this side of my wife before, it gave me a glimmer of hope that we might stay together...... 4. We all decided that sleep was our first call, and as July was prepared to participate with our plans,there was no need to shackle her any more,Cathy had other ideas, she took July up to bed with her and Mel, and it was,nt long before I heard pleasurable pain.Pattie asked me if I would like some company, of course I said yes,who would turn down a young girls offer,of a cuddle ...Lights out and we all made our final exits..........................................When I got into bed ,I fell asleep immediatly, so no hanky panky with Pattie, there was always tomorrow..night night..zzzzzzzzzz.... I awoke at 7.30 am, Pattie was still sound asleep, I noticed she had another visitor tucked up with her,Sue had come in, in the middle of the night, I was told this at a later date....Anyway I got up, dressing gown on, andproceeded to make Breakfast for 8 people,when it was ready I rang the gong we had at the bottom of the stairs , and everyone came down and we all ate .....there seemed to be no problems with anyone including July, and she shared with us that Cathy had kissed and sucked her pussy, and she had cum in waves, and was looking forward to her pending rape.... It was a lovely day outside ,so we decided to stage our sexual roleplay out in the garden and the swimming pool.... It was agreed, that I would be a robber, with a stick (GUN) and I was going to have Kit as my sidekick, and the rule was no de-cent, so to avoid anyone getting physically hurt.... Half an hour later,Kit and I wondered off , the balance would entertain themselves and the play would begin... We all agreed that each captive would be tied up,so to increase the pleasure ,and all would be raped and abused,but not to the extent to cause any lasting harm.........The stage was set enter Me & Kit, well we found Sue sitting in a chair sunning herself, I put my hand over her mouth and told her she was mine and I was going to fuck that young pussy, she wriggled like hell, Kit took her wrists and tied them securely behind her back, she screamed, rather loud, and I gagged her....Kit fondled her exposed tits, why we doing our bit,Mel came and stopped what was going on,she had found July trying to use her mobile, to phone the boys,not only that, she also had been trying to escape, she had led us all up the garden path,she was far more crafty that I new her to be... All this wanting to join in was her way of finding out our weaknesses ,which would allow her to leave. She called me all the words under the sun, you are a fucking bastard Mac, I don,t love you,and have,nt loved for ages , not only that she had taken these and many more men to our bed when I was hard at work, well that just about did it for me, fucked you are going get fucked,and with that decission,July was returned to the Oak door and lashed tightly, I went off to find Kit,and tell her what had been going on, roleplay just got put to bed.......................... Where,s Sally, have,nt seen her since last night I asked Cathy, she,s been outside around the front of the Cottage, apparently she,s a budding artist and has been putting the finishing touches to a landscape she started sometime ago, just as we were talking about her ,she arrived into the room,anyone for sex she asked, well we had better decide what we wre going to do, After a long discussion it was a agreed that July would be 1st prize, in a little game called taste the pussy, all the girls would remove their panties and I would get to taste them all, and guess who,s pussy it was,and so-on,each person would get to taste all,and the winner would be whoever could guess all the pussies correct, the only thing was that I would not get to fuck July, I got to fuck the least correct girl... I did,nt mind, the thought of tasting and sampling 6 pussies would be pleasure enough... Each of the girls took off there panties and lay on the floor ,the first pussy taster ME, was blind folded, and off we went, All these little honey pots , I ve never had so much enjoyment for years, my tongue darted in and out, just like a Humming Bird collecting pollen, they all tasted so fresh and smelt like Chamnel No 69,,, I named names ,someone wrote it down , and before you new it, I had come to the end of the line, I wanted seconds, No they said. Next Sally was put into the room blind folded , and she and all the other tasters ,got to do their bit, everyone had to shuffle their places so no one could be next dopor to the same person twice......... Well after everyone had finished, we collated the results, I came last ,I could get any of them correct, the winner was Mel, followed by Sally ,Cathy,Pattie ,, Kit & Sue had exactly the same score, So I had the pleasure of two in the bed, well you cannot grumble about last place.............Mel strolled over to where July was hanging , and eased her fingers into July,s gusset, pulled to panty crutch to one side and dipped her fingers into her wet cunt, she drew them out ,sucked two herself and placed the remainder into July,s mouth, and then closed in her mouth and started to kiss her neck , she dropped July down off her frame, and re-attached her cufflinks and proceeded to take her into the lounge area, and pushed her on to a day bed we put in there.Mel started to remove July,s clothing, as she took her blouse off she grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed them tightly,July Pained, she did not like that, Mel said to Pattie & Sally, if they would mind completing the task of removing all clothing, they did it very quickly, and just testing the pussy as well, Mel had to go upstairs to get he strap-on, she was going to enjoy fucking Mac,s hoare, well thats what she called her... She also sugested that Cathy join her in the delicate art of shagging, a fighting woman, we all left them to it, but I must agree it was a pleasure to hear my wife (X), moaning with the Pain they were inflicting on her arse, I counted 6 noisy orgasms within about 10 mins, so a good time must of been had, ................................I will continue this story at a later date, I hope to complete it within the next two weeks,Im currently woking on two others as well, if you wish to share your thoughts on this,then Im happy to listen Please email me, thankyou M

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