My Day with James

My Day with James

James and I had met through a craigslist ad i had posted a few weeks before but we never actually hooked up.We emailed back and fourth for about a week before I finally decided I was ready to meet.My heart raced and my hands shook as i typed the message that would change everything."Hey,I think I'm ready to do this."James replied within minutes,”Perfect I have tomorrow off.I’ll get a hotel room and pick you up in the morning,that way we can spend the whole day together.”My heart skipped a beat i was so excited i couldn’t believe that this was actually happening,”That sounds great!I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I didn’t sleep a wink that night.I tossed and turned thinking of all the things i wanted him to do to me my cock throbbed as i imagined his strong hands caressing every inch of my body.It was pure torture,but some how I managed to fall asleep and was woken by the sound of my phone buzzing on the night stand.This was it,There was no turning back.I reached over,grabbed my phone and read the message,”On my way be there in 20 mins.”I leapt out of bed and rushed to the shower,cleaned myself up and was barely ready when I got the “here” text.I went outside and saw his black Honda Accord in my driveway i could feel my heart beat in my hands as i fumbled my keys trying to lock up my house.I walked up to the car and there he was.James A muscular man with a little bit of a stomach which i found so sexy he had jet black hair and piercing green eyes.I was speechless at the sight of him.”You ready to go?”he said and broke me out of my trance.”Uh..Yeah I’m ready.”I gotten into the car and we drove off.The car ride to the hotel was very awkward as we attempted to make small talk,but I could tell by the growing bulge in his pants that we both had one thing in mind.

We got to the Hotel and he checked us in as I waited in the lounge,after completing his transaction he gave me a nod letting me know we were all set and i met him at the elevator.We were on the third floor room 301.The room was very nice with a King sized bed and a living room area.I went and sat on the couch as he closed the blinds.”Hey I’m gonna take a shower is that cool?” James said as he started to undress,”yeah thats fine.”I replied.”You’re welcome to join me.”i could feel the blood rush to my cock as I moved towards him with my clothes flying off with every step I took.I walked into the bathroom and thats when i saw it.It was the most beautiful cock I had ever.It was about seven inches and thick and he wasn’t even hard yet.He took my hand and led me into the shower and as i walked by he squeezed my ass.I felt chills run through out my whole body as i felt his big strong hands groping me.

I turned around and our eyes locked.We didn’t have to say a word to each other primal instinct took over as our lips touched for the very first time.I could feel his tongue penetrate the deepest parts of my mouth as his hands wandered over my wet body.I could feel his member pressing against my leg,i reached my hand down in between us and started stroking his cock.He moaned loudly as we kissed so i could feel the vibrations in my mouth.I couldn’t resist him any more i had to get his cock in my mouth.I broke away from our kiss and started kissing my way down his torso down to his waste and teased by kissing all the surrounding area.I looked up at him to see him staring right into my eyes with a huge grin on his face.His hands ran through my hair.I looked back down to see the now fully erect cock dripping in precumm.I licked the tip finally tasting his sweet juices and i was hooked.I slid my head down his cock moving my tongue side to side and was only able to get about halfway down.James moaned and threw his head back in pleasure as his cock hit the back of my throat with his every thrusting motion.

I opened my mouth wide and took as much of his dick in as I could and after a few minutes my bobbing met his thrust and we were in harmony.I reached down to stroke my own rock hard cock which was oozing precumm and the feeling of a cock in my mouth turned me on so much that even my hips began to move back and fourth.I continued sucking and also worked on his balls until he picked me up and started kissing me with even more ferocity than before and said,”Lets take this over to the bed.”

He turned off the shower and we walked back to he bedroom.I laid on the bed and he climbed on top.”Turn over.”he said and I did.As i lay on my stomach with my ass on display i felt his big strong hands explore it and caress it.He spread my cheeks and then i felt the most amazing sensation in my entire life.His warm tongue prodded my tight hole and sent me into a world of pleasure.I moaned not caring who would hear and my hips began to buck.”You like that?You like when i lick your ass hole?” he teased,”yes baby it feels sooo good” I said barely able to put sentences together.”You want this dick baby?” he asked.”Yes baby,give it to me”.The words just came out I was no longer in control of my own mind.I had surrendered to the pleasure completely.

I got up on all fours and lifted my as,begging to be taken.He gave it a playful smack then guided his cock towards my tight hole.I felt the thick head of his cock pressing against my ass and i gave out a shudder.”Are you ready baby?”I took a few deep breaths and then answered,”Give me that cock.”As his head attempted to push through my sphincter i moaned loudly half in pain and half in pleasure.James pushed until i felt a pop and he was in.A wave of relieve went over me and i was able to relax.He slid in slowly in and out going an inch deeper with every stroke.The pain was subsiding and I started to enjoy his thick cock as he went deeper and deeper until he was massaging my prostate and make my cock throb as it leaked precum.

After a while my hips started to sway and meet his thrust and our moans rang through out the room.I was in pure ecstasy.The with out any warning he pulled his cock out making a popping sound and he flipped me back over on my back.He then lifted my legs onto his shoulders and put his cock back inside with a swift motion.It was a whole new world of pleasure.He fucked me hard and fast,my cock bounced up and down as he slammed his cock inside me.His cocked rubbed my prostate with every thrust and before long spurts of cum shot all over my stomach and chest.My ass clenched as i shot my load which made James moan and within seconds filling my ass with cum.He collapsed and lay to my side.his cock still in my ass slowly getting smaller until it slipped out completely."That was amazing!" I said finally breaking the silence.James looked over and said,"And we're just getting started."

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