Heaven Sent Adoption Agency

Heaven Sent Adoption Agency


This story starts with four very good looking guys. They were smart beyond their time. The first one is named Michael. Michael came from a very high end family. His father owns over half of the banks in the U.S. So his background was perfect. Never been in any kind of trouble his entire young life, family always around (so lots of love), and he is a very well-mannered son. He was turning 25 and a sophomore in college (I won’t name the college, for other reasons, but it was something like the high end, like Yale), he had a face that seemed as if god had created it from only the finest things in heaven like they were modeled after one of the honored angels. He was 6 ft. 5in with a body of a Greek god to match. He was captain of the football team since he was a freshman in college. No one dared to challenge him in anything and was an honor student with a grade point average to match. This guy you would have though was god himself he was so perfect.

Who his family was and what his dad owned he drove a different car every day of the week for 30 days. Hell he didn’t need credit because he paid cash for everything. When he walked down the halls all the girls would stop and watch him. All the girls wanted to be with him some were even planning marriages around him with him being involved, like they had a chance. Here was the funny thing unlike most captain of the football team or any jock an in high school or college they would have a girlfriend which was the hottest, most popular, richest and/or the captain of the cheerleader team in school. He was not. Most of the geeks in school had a bet that he was gay. Truth was that he was not gay but very picky. No one knows that but his very best friends and their names were John, Adam, and Mark.

Now these guys grew up together and made a promise together that nothing would every come between them and they all made good on their promise. These guys did most things together. When one lost their virginity then all did in the same week. If one would pop a cherry they would all pop a cherry in the same month. If one would make money (which they always did) they would all make the same amount in 3 months. If one lost money (which almost never happen) they all would lost the same amount within a year. If one through a party (which they were block party that were to die for) they all would with in the 6 months. When I say these guys were the big dogs on campus that is just what I meant. Even the dean was glad to have them go to his school.

They were all just as handsome as Michael and just as smart, rich and tall but even though they all were not virgins they all did not have a full time girlfriend but they were all captain, head or leader of thing in high school and college. So when I say many of the geeks or non-popular kids in school though they were all gay and were dating each other.

The only difference was their features, and who their family was and what their dad and/or mom owned, while Michael has caramel brown color hair with hazel eyes, Adam has blond hair blue eyes the color of depression glass, Mark has auburn hair with deep dark emerald color eyes and John has hair as black as midnight with brown eyes. All of them were to die, for just drop dead out of this world.

Adam's dad was in real estate and owned most if not all the high rises in the downtown area and most if not all the water front warehouses, dock and best looking waterfront house in the area. So once again money was no problem for him.

Mark’s mom own all if not half of all the beauty supplies stores in the next three cities. This was every girls dream on campus if they ever got with Mark.

As for John well his dad and mom are the top lawyers in the U.S. His dad didn’t want to worry about danger so he decided to just own the top law firm in the U.S. That way he could still be in law and not worry about pissing people off and/or being shot at. His mom well she did so well for herself that she was in business law, ending up owning the top business law firm in the U.S. So money was no problem with any of them and they all had spotless records and they wanted to keep it that way.

Now that you know something about each of them and their family, now let’s get on with what these guys did, it will make your head spin.

While sitting in the library one day the head cheerleader came over to the table that Mark, John, Adam and Michael were sitting at studying and asked a question very quietly. Her name was Susy. She was blond with blue eyes the color of depression glass, double d breast with an ass to match. She was shaped like a coke bottle and I don’t mean the 2 liter, but like the old glass coke bottle. When she went shopping for pants or jeans she had to find a size 8. She was 5ft 4in. Hair came down to her shoulders and made boys have wet dreams every night. She had no boyfriend because she had her eyes set on Michael. She thought that if she could get her hands on him that he would leave his friends and then they would live happily ever after and be rich. Her fellow cheerleaders were all the yes girls they were just happy to be around her and did whatever she asked. They followed her around like little lost puppies with their tails between their legs but to tell the truth they all were hoping that when she got Michael and the four friends would fall apart that they would fall right into their hands. Susy had three main followers even though there were 10 cheerleaders and they all hung out together.

Candice, Margaret and Tammy were Susy best friend from daycare. That is how far back they go and did almost everything together. Susy was no virgin in any shape or hole. She was so fine that she used it all to get where she was but don’t tell her parents that. They still think she is pure as the fallen snow. She managed to keep that on the down low and manipulate her parents that well.

Candice and Tammy wanted to wait till their wedding day to do anything. They really were pure as the fallen snow. However they would read dirty books, look at porn magazines, and look up things on the net that would make you cry but all in sexual nature.

Margaret was not like Susy or like the other too. She was a virgin in one hole, only had sex with small dick boys because she was scared it would hurt to do anybody bigger than 4.5in fully erected. Yeah this is called a baby dick. When she popped her cherry she had so much pain that she was like it would rip me into to do anything bigger. So she learned to deep throat and when I say she the best, she is the best.

Susy smiled and walked over to the talked and slowly bent down with her low cut and two unbutton shirt with her double d’s showing out the top about to fall out and whispered in Michael ear, "Hey sexy you know I have been trying to get with you since I first saw you. How about you and your friends come to a little party that I’m having at my house? You know my girls (she pause and points to her friends and waves) would love it if you friends could come."

Michael looks at his friends and smiles and says without looking at Susy, "It’s about time you learn that we don’t do or go anywhere together. Let me ask them. Hey guys you up for a party at Suuuuszzz's house?" The guys look up and smile and say, "Sure" all together and turn back to their books. Michael looks back and smiles and says, "You heard them. What time we need to be there?"

Susy gives the girls a thumb up and says, "8:00 pm sharp it will be asleep over and don’t forget you swimming trunks." and walks off with her short school skirt swinging as she walks.

The boys walk off and start talking about the party. Adam looks at Michael and says, "You know that bitch has had plans to break us up. She is a money digging hoe mind you she is sexy as hell I wouldn’t mind taking her and just fucking her all day. Omg mmmmmmmmmmm."

John says, "You are such a horny bastard." and laughs "But I swear I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on Candice. I mean my god she is still a virgin. You know that hole is tight and warm. Mmmm yeah I would fuck that and then stick a banana in the other hole and go to sleep."

Mark says "Hey guys not here lets talk about this at our place and then we can make plan on what we are going to do at the party. You know they have a plan." They all agreed and went to class.

Class was over by 6 and they went to their apartment to get ready for the party which, for these guys it was not hard. They were already good looking. So all they did was change clothes and play video games and talk about how they were going to get over on these bitches at the party. They had agreed first no sex on any of them but to tease them till they couldn’t stand it. They laugh about it for a good 30 mins so, now it 7:00 pm. While they are coming up with the second part of their plan the phone rings. Mark goes over to answer it. "Hello. Oh hello Mrs. Hall. What’s wrong? Why you crying? Adam your mom is crying on the phone. Come get this phone." He hands the phone to Adam.

Adam, "What wrong? Calm down I can’t understand you." He gets quiet for a min and the guys are looking at him. "Ok mom I understand but that not you so stop crying. You know Nancy can adopt a baby." pauses again "Yeah I know mom that she wants blond and blue eyes but beggars can’t be choosy." pauses again "But mom if she really wants a kind she can’t be picky so why you so upset? You already have a son and a daughter and Nancy has a lot of young years to keep trying and to adopt a baby." another pauses "Ok so your better now mom?" pauses " Tell you what I will think of something that will make you happy but you have to give me time but for right now I have to go mom. Love you and take care." He hangs up the phone and look at the guys. My mom is upset because Mr. and Mrs. Washington can’t have a baby or babies."
Mark says, “Aren’t they like 22 and 24 years old. They have lots of time to make a baby, unless they got tested. Boy I tell you money can do anything for you."

Adam says, “Yeah I know and yes they got tested and Mr. Washington doesn’t have enough men to get the job done, if you know what I mean but they could adopt so I don’t get what the big deal is."

John says, “Well the big deal is you don’t get to make it out of your genes and it may not have the color hair and eyes you want. The one thing money can’t buy YET. However if you were to get with Susy and have a baby Adam you could give the baby to them." and laughs.
Michael throws the football at him and says, "Now you know as soon as one of us has a baby the other has to have one too and man I’m not ready to give up this life just yet. So shut up man."

Adam says, “Good idea but no that’s not going happen, however, never say never." They all laugh. By this time it now 7:30 and it takes 15 mins to get to Susy’s house.

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