A guy and his...? 65 Escape?

A guy and his...? 65 Escape?

Jake Freemon - Main character Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker Mary - Boss's daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen's mother Hakiem, Doctor - the Jinn doctor (aka Hime) Rasmir - Gen's father Rosalinda - Jake's second Jinn – Once called Dreama Rashala - Gen's niece and Jake's 3rd Jinn - elite Jinn Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir Sheeka - former evil female Jinn Jake's 4th Jinn Akeesha - Sheeka's twin sister Inger - Mary's Jinn, Akeesha's lover Qaseem - Jake and Sheeka's baby Tilda - Jake and Nyrae's baby Rita - older female and one of Juno's sisters Tina - Rita's daughter Trully - second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio Abla - sister of Nuha member of Deadly trio Fatin - sister of Nuha third member of trio Tyrin - neighbor of Nyrae's parents Aahil - one of the twin Jinn princes Aalee - other twin Jinn prince Amira - Jinn Princess sister of twins Al-Mazhab - King of the Jinns Qistina - Ex Queen of the Jinns, the Leader Marie - Juno's ex - wife Kasha - Marie's ex-powerful Jinn Zahra - evil elite Jinn working with Marie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake laid there in the throes of the pleasure he and three of his Jinns plus Amira had just shared. Even though he had immensely enjoyed every moment with them, his mind was still almost feverishly working toward a solution. It was true what he'd said to the doctor, there was only one that he could think of that could really give any insight into this new Marie. Deciding he had a little time before they really needed to go into action, he lay still enjoying the feelings as they swept through him. Shaking his head he knew this had to end soon. The constant fear that they all felt needed to be dealt with and soon. A few moments later all four of the female Jinns sat up staring at Jake. Something was different with him, something of more determination. Gen smiled as she felt this new strength excite her more. Looking at the others she could see that it was affecting them almost the same too. "Master?" Gen asked after a few more moments. "Is there anything I can do to assist you?" Without looking at her Jake was quiet a moment then spoke. "At this moment no, though I think that soon ALL of you will be of the greatest help." Here Jake looked at her and the rest a look of great love in his eyes. "Much as you all have, especially you my dear." Jake said as he reached over gently caressing Gen's face making her shudder. "It is always my pleasure to serve you master. The true holder of mine and the other's hearts. You have but to ask, we will do anything for you." Gen said a wide smile spreading across her face. Jake nodded a little bit of concern showing on his face. Anything yes, though there were more than a few things that he hoped they'd never have to or attempt to do. __________________________________________________________ Marie had been sitting alone for a few hours now trying to figure a way to beat that bastard Jake. With all the protection he had around him it was damn near impossible to get near him. Turning to look at Nuha and her struggling sister Marie knew that they were the key. She just had to find a way to break the leader of the sisters will. Once that was done nothing would be beyond her. Motioning for Zahra, Marie started to whisper in the Jinn's ear. A sudden large and wicked smile lit up Zahra's face as the evil Jinn moved toward Nuha. Though just as Zahra reached her Nuha chanted a moment causing Zahra to double over screaming out. Reaching over Zahra slapped Nuha as hard as she could several times making the deadly trio leader smile then chant more. Again Zahra doubled over her body convulsing as her hips thrust forward lewdly. Growling Zahra herself started to chant causing Nuha's breath to quicken her own thighs thrusting out just as lewdly. "You little bitch! I am far more powerful with the love magic than you will ever be! Try that again I may reduce you to a love sick slave that only wishes to please me!" "Y...y...you will n...never win now. Already the other is far beyond your grasp! You ugh! Will ugh! Never escape her!" "You lie you worthless piece of whore trash!" Zahra railed at Nuha. "Think what you will, once I was in, you were lost! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Nuha laughed as she started to shudder harder. "We shall see you little whore slave!" Zahra sneered in Nuha's face. __________________________________________________________ It was a few hours later that Jake was finally starting to come up with something of a plan. Problem was he needed more information, as of right now he wasn't all that sure he could get it. Considering the condition of the one he needed to get it from he really wasn't all that sure. Reaching in his shirt with a sigh Jake decided it was about time to get this started. Rubbing the talisman Jake awaited the arrival of the Doctor. Jake had only conferred with the Jinn a few moments when the rest of his friends plus the council appeared. "I want to thank you for all coming. I think I may have an idea how to finally finish this. I have already consulted the doctor about this." Here Jake looked at Juno, "I know you really want nothing to do with her, I am sorry that we have to deal with your ex." Juno was nodding, then with a sigh he said, "I couldn't think of a better ally to go against the bitch with." Looking at the king, his sons, Amira, all his Jinns, the council lastly Mary and Juno; Jake nodded. "This is going to be exceedingly dangerous. I hesitate to put any of you in the path of all of this. Zahra has an ancient power at her beck and call. With her partial control of the deadly trio she has that on her side. Both powers are very strong, I know the love I have with my Jinns is as strong." "I believe in you Master Jake, as do we all. Nothing that you do will we go against us. Guide us we will do all we can to ensure victory." Gen said for his Jinns. "I know this Gen, all of you, as I said with almost all of you with child I am hesitant to do much." Jake replied A voice came out of the air speaking to Jake, "do not fear father," it said. "We are far more powerful then you think. Even with this ancient power they have, we have little doubt that they can overcome you." Jake was nodding again still feeling a little unsure of things. Then he looked at the doctor who nodded making a circular motion a half conscious Kasha appeared. "So! It is the biggest pig human of them all! How I loathe and detest you! You will soon discover the error of not killing me." Kasha was spitting at Jake finding that he couldn't move. Looking at the doctor Kasha started to yell, "release me you putrid piece of dung! Face me like a real Jinn not a coward!" Sighing Jake shook his head he'd hoped that what they had done was further than it was. Nodding, Jake watched as the Doctor again began to pour power into a now screaming at the top of his voice Kasha. A few minutes later Kasha's eyes started to clear though there was still a sneer on his face. "You can't win!" Kasha was snarling at the Doctor. "None of you can win! He is gone forever!" Growling Rashala walked to Kasha drawing back slapped the jinn as hard as she could. "You lie you foul piece of evil! Kasha was hundreds of times more powerful than you will ever be! What, are you afraid to fight him? That's why you have been trying to hide him? I can still feel him growing stronger. No! It is you that will die soon." Kasha's lips drew back as a sick evil laugh issued from them. "Ah! The bitch whore elite speaks! I... NO! You are dead! NO! I am in control now NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" With that Kasha's eyes finally cleared as a soft sigh now escaped his lips. "Thank you my dear, dear friend." Looking at Jake he almost whispered. "I will do all I can to help Master Jake. Though I think I may have to res...t." With that Kasha's eyes closed as he slumped to the floor. Passing a hand over the Jinn the Doctor nodded. "It appears to be gone though we will need to keep a close eye on him. This other placed in him was very, very deep. I am hoping I got all of it." Jake was nodding as he was hoping the same thing. He'd felt the great struggle that Kasha had been making. He too hoped that they had gotten the last of the bad personality from the Jinn. It was a few hours later when Kasha opened his eyes with a shock. He was not being held? He was actually free? Looking around he saw the council along with Master Jake, his Jinns and his allies. Trying to sit up he finally realized why they no longer had him secured. Feeling inside he felt nothing of the bad personality that had been there. Groaning he tried again to rise almost falling off whatever he was laying on onto the floor! Rashala and the Doctor were there a moment later. "It is good to see that you have survived the treatment." Rashala said as she smiled down at him. "I had thought that as strong of an elite that you were this would be easy for you. Forgive me as I found out Zahra had gone farther than we at first thought." Kasha was shocked. Rashala wasn't mad at him? She didn't want to destroy him? Again he tried to rise though this time Rashala actually was holding him down! Plus there was the fact that he was as weak as he was. Finally coming to his aid the Doctor handed him a glass. "I should warn you," the started as Kasha turned the glass up draining the contents. It took a moment for Kasha to realize that the Doctor had started to warn him. At first he felt a rumble in his stomach then it felt like a herd of livestock moving through his stomach. Master Jake was there a moment later with what appeared to be a bucket? Why...? At that moment Kasha lurched forward emptying the contents of his stomach. Jake had to look away as Kasha emptied several times before he finally fell back on the couch gasping for breath. Barely able to whisper he motioned the Doctor closer asking in a whisper. "What was that?" The Doctor tried not to smile as he said, "a quick recovery tonic. Though as I tried to warn you that you have to take it in small amounts at first. It has camel hair with ground beetle. I believe it has a touch of dung to make it less tart." Kasha nodded as he looked at Master Jake, "I wish to thank you Master Jake, and without you I feel I would most assuredly be dead now." "As I thought you deserved a second chance. I could feel that you didn't go into this of your own free will. Though as soon as you are better I do have need of the knowledge that you have of Zahra and Marie." Jake told the weak Jinn. Nodding Kasha told him, "I will do all I can to help you Master Jake. I just hope that the little I know will be of help." Jake nodded he hope so as well. They needed every advantage they could get against the both of them. __________________________________________________________ Zahra was still having a hard time fighting the other personality that was struggling deep within herself. She didn't know what that Deadly trio had done though she was going to destroy the whoring bitch that seemed to want to take over HER body. [You can never win you little whore! This is and will always be my body. I am in control here!] Zahra was screaming inside to the other her. [Don't be so sure you loveless piece of dung. I am still growing in strength. If need be I will destroy the both of us to keep Master Jake safe!] The good personality replied. [You wouldn't dare!] Zahra yelled back. [I will if I have no other choice. I am only a part of the mind an idea you started. I have taken on a life of my own. I will end the both of us to protect him. I have to; I owe him that for showing me the whole truth that you still refuse to accept!] The good personality stated. [We shall see!] Zahra said then moved to Nuha's unmoving body. Opening her mouth she smiled, when she was done with the little bitch she'd be begging to do anything for her and her mistress Marie. Suddenly Nuha's eyes flicked open as she started to chant as fast as she could. Zahra folded in half as she felt the other personality gain more ground. The other personality clawed to the surface as she smiled at Nuha making a few designs in the air. Nuha suddenly was breathing easier as she started to chant toward her sisters. Nodding she watched as first Fatin winked out, then Abla vanished as well. Nuha was about to go herself when Zahra came roaring back to the surface. Screaming she started to chant long and hard as Nuha began to scream almost continuously finally her head fell forward. "I hear you my mistress." Nuha said. "Good, about time I got you where you belong as my sex slave." Pulling Nuha to the floor Zahra exposed her sex to Nuha. "Pleasure me you little whore. I want your wanton tongue to please me 'til I tell you to stop. Nuha nodded as she moved forward driving her head and face between Zahra's lewdly open legs. The only sounds to be heard were the slurping and occasional gasps as they escaped Zahra's lips. Reaching down Zahra pressed Nuha deeper into her crotch as her breathing started to quicken. "Ah! What a good little bitch! You will please me forever I may never let you up from the only position you deserve to be in. HARDER you bitch! I want all of your tongue! Deeper and faster you piece of worthless shit!" A moment later Zahra screamed out in orgasm, ah she thought that was more like it! Ummmm a few more of these then she could really begin to enjoy using the shit out of Nuha. Nuha was trapped within her own body try as she might she had no will to fight against the love magic. She just hoped what she'd done helped later. At least both of her sisters were safe now. Back at their safe place they would be able to recover though, for her it might be too late as she started to tongue Zahra to a second orgasm. Smiling inside Zahra knew that she had the little whoring bitch now! Um she thought I will have to use her as much as I can. No man could ever satisfy her like this putrid bitch could. Kasha stirred a few hours later still feeling weak though finally able to move. Rashala was sitting at his side as was the Doctor. "Now then," the Doctor said, "sip this remember the last time what happened." Kasha nodded as he started to slowly drink the now absolutely foul smelling brew. Even going as slow as he was it was still twisting and turning in his stomach. Half finishing Kasha sat it down eyeing the Doctor then shaking his head no. Nodding the Doctor stretched his hands over the Jinn then nodded. "You should be well now. I'll check back soon," nodding toward Jake the Doctor vanished. Sitting up when Master Jake approached Kasha went through all that he knew of Zahra and his old Mistress Marie. "I believe I am ready to finally help Master Jake," he said as Jake nodded and sat beside Rashala. For the next few hours Kasha went on about everything that he could remember about the way Marie acted and reacted. Juno was in shock hearing that his ex wife was as vindictive as she was. "I never realized that she was hiding such a deep hatred of me, of all that I was doing for her and the family." A stunned Juno said. Kasha was nodding as something suddenly came to mind that he'd forgotten. "As I remember she said that you never paid her the attention that you should have. You were always out to make money leaving her alone." Again Juno's mouth dropped open. "I thought that was all she wanted! She never said a word! I was always open to listen to her. Why didn't she talk to me?" “As I remember she told me what would have been the use. I am sorry Master Juno this has been festering in her for years. I am afraid far longer than either of us think." Juno nodded as he turned to Jake. "This much hatred won't be easy to overcome." Jake was nodding his agreement then an idea took a hold that caused him to smile. Yes! It just might work. Damn though this was going to be dangerous.

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