Skyrim: The Adventures of Carthalo Part 1

Skyrim: The Adventures of Carthalo Part 1

Carthalo stroked her cheek, feeling her smooth, cold skin and brushing the jet black hair out of her eyes. "Lydia," he said, his gravelly voice brought to a whisper in her ear "relax. This is not another burden for you to bear." he unclasped her shirt and she shuddered slightly at the touch. "This is not a command from your Thane." his strong hands picked her up by the waist and he carried her to the bed. The floorboards creaked as he carried her up the stairs of Breezehome. He laid her down on the bed gently and began to kiss her neck, saying as he did, "This is for you, this is for everything you have done, and for everything you are to me."
"Yes, my Thane..." Lydia said between her soft moans. "I... I want this... please, love me my Thane... Carthalo."
Carthalo stood, and began to peel off his armor. Bits of leather, iron, and fur fell to the floor in succession revealing the dark, muscled physique of the Redguard swordsman. He untied his hair, the thick dreadlocked coils fell to his shoulders. Lydia's hand instinctively went between her legs, her fingers slid through the silky black bush that grew there and into the warm and wet walls of her pussy. She let out a moan, and Carthalo climbed up into the bed with her.
Lydia tentatively reached out one hand and grabbed a hold of his cock, as he positioned himself above her, she guided it slowly to the opening of her waiting pussy. Carthalo slid his arm under her, grabbing a hold of her shoulder with one hand, and the other traced lines up her stomach to her chest, and he began massaging her milk white breasts. He rolled her nipple in between his fingers and kissed her neck gently. In one quick stroke, he slid into her. Her deep brown eyes widened and her mouth formed an O, as a silent scream tried to escape her. Only a quiet moan however, found its way out.
Carthalo began to pump his hips back and forth, slowly and steadily shoving his cock into her. He used his arm to pull her into him, to meet his thrusts, and he pushed off the bed with the balls of his feet, each thrust went deeper and deeper into her soaking pussy.
"Yes! OH... oh yes!" Lydia moaned repeatedly as he made love to her.
After just a few moments, Carthalo could feel the walls of her pussy tighten around his cock and juices poured out, all over the bed, and all over his manhood. Lydia let out a long, low moan, and she reached up and pulled on Carthalo's hair as she did, pulling his face right next to hers and she kissed him.
Carthalo, feeling that her orgasm had subsided, began to thrust even harder, sending his seven inch rod as deep inside of her as it would go. He kept this up, steadily increasing in pace and ferocity until he was pounding away at her. They writhed all over the bed, a tangled mass of limbs, grunting and moaning and crying out in pure ecstasy until at last, Carthalo felt a wave of pleasure roll through his cock and with a low growl, he shot his seed deep into her eager pussy. Lydia moaned, loudly this time, as she felt her womb fill with this handsome swordsman's cum.
They lay there, together, for quite some time kissing and caressing each other, until they drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.
In the morning, Lydia woke up to see Carthalo strapping on his armor and packing his gear.
"Where are you going my Thane? Won't you lie here with me for just a little longer?"
Carthalo began strapping on his armor once more, smiling fondly into her eyes. "I'm sorry my love, I cannot rest."
"Why not? Who is it that calls Carthalo from my side?"
"A friend, Hadvar, I told you of him?"
"Yes, but I don't understand, surely this... Hadvar cannot please you as I can?"
Carthalo laughed "No, no one could do that! But," his face grew serious, and he looked her dead in the eye "he is in danger, and I owe that man my life. I ride tonight for the Pale, the Stormcloak dogs that march against my comrades will learn the error of their ways." Carthalo strapped on his last bracer and reached for the Skyforge steel sword that was propped against the wall. "I will teach them not to cross the Empire, or me."
Lydia smiled, and stood up "Then I am with you, my Thane."

Chapter One: A Year Ago...

Carthalo and Hadvar stood at the mouth of the cave, breathing heavily. "I can't... believe... we made it out of there... alive." Hadvar said between gasps for breath. Carthalo leaned against a boulder, listening for the dragon's roars which grew steadily further and further away "I think we're in the clear."
"I just... a dragon!" Hadvar said with a tone of even greater disbelief.
"Should we go back, now that it's gone?" Carthalo asked.
"I don't think so." said Hadvar "Probably best if we get as far away from here as possible. That dragon might return and the Jarls need to be warned. Lets go." Hadvar began walking down the gravelly road.
"Where to?" asked Carthalo.
"Riverwood. My uncle Alvor is the blacksmith there. He can help us out."
"Good, This piece of trash might serve a Stormcloak , but I could use a decent sword." Following quickly behind, they made their way through the wooded path.

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