My Love Life Chapter 3 Janice

My Love Life Chapter 3 Janice

My Love Life Chapter 3 Janice

Chapter 3 Janice:

A few weeks after Carrie and I separated, Carrie and her Gal Pals Tim and myself were hanging around the school and Carrie introduced me to Janice. Janice was petite, shoulder length light brown hair, almost a sandy blonde. She had a figure that made heads turn when she walked into a room. She was under a 100 pounds, with a lot of curves. A set of 34C titties. This girl was amazing. She had a great sense of humor too. Janice was starting to hang out at Carrie’s apartment. Carrie invited me to CUM along (yea just like that); I knew this was going to be enjoyable.

When we got to Carrie’s apartment Janice came over to me and sat next to me and started kissing me. She and I were the only ones that didn’t have anyone there to make out with. After about an hour of making out and rubbing our bodies together, Carrie said “Why don’t you two go and fuck in the Happy Fucking Ground”, (The bedroom). I took Janice in the bedroom and laid her on the bed. We both undressed. I grabbed a rubber out of my wallet and put it on my stiff dick. As soon as I put my cock in Janice she sucked in a big breath through her teeth. As I started to push in and pull out till my dickhead was near her clit (or button as I was taught back then) Janice moaned with every thrust in and out. I came just about 20 seconds before Janice did. I kept going to make sure her orgasm was finished. She bucked like a bronco when she came. She was saying, “I’M CUMMIIIIING”

We kissed, but after having sex, I just wanted to escape. I guess that is animal instinct. Maybe I have seen a few praying mantes. In case you don’t know the female of the species eats the head off the male after having been fucked by him. Talk about monogamy. She makes sure he doesn’t fuck another female.

We laid in the bed for a while. Carrie and Tim (Carrie’s new boyfriend) kind of chased us out of the room. It was obvious they wanted to fuck in “The Happy Fucking Ground”. Janice and I went back out to the living / dining room and grabbed a couple of beers. After almost an hour of sitting in the living room necking and petting Janice and I were ready to fuck again. Janice told me, “Let’s chase those two out of the bedroom. As we opened the door to the bedroom, we found Carrie on the bed without any underwear on and only a dress, Tim with his T-shirt on looking into Carrie’s pussy with her dress pulled up. When we walked in Tim started to cover up Carrie’s naked body by pulling her dress down.

Carrie stopped him and claimed, “They both have seen me naked plenty of times” Tim complained, “Why can’t I see Janice naked”? With that Janice took off her top and exposed her tits to everyone in the room. She usually doesn’t wear a bra. When she dropped her pants down to her ankles Right in front of Tim. He gasped and said, “WOW”. and panted like a dog. Janice held out her hand and led Tim to the other bed. Janice said to us, “How about we switch boyfriends for a while”? Carrie said, “Sure as long as you give him back when you are done…And only for about an hour or two”.

As we laid on the bed next to Janice and Tim, I pulled Carrie’s dress over her head. I took her bra off and let those heavy tits out. It was like old times with Carrie. I laid her down on her back in the bed. I hurried and put on a rubber (condom) and I sucked on her tits and put my rock-hard covered prick into her pussy. It took a little more effort because she was not lubed up with her girl cum like before when we used to fuck on a regular basis. I placed my hand between us and rubbed on her button (clit) as I was taught to do to make her happy. Carrie claimed while we were fucking, “Boy I’ve missed you”. I said, “You have Tim now”. She said, “Maybe not after he has his way with Janice”. “I hope she doesn’t give him a blowjob”. I remembered that Carrie never liked giving blowjobs. If she did it was just the head of my cock in her mouth, and I better warn her before I blew my load, or she would never do that again. Carrie came violently and shook like she was having an epileptic fit. As Carrie came, I hear Janice in the next bed cumming as she sucked in air through her teeth. I then hear Tim grunting like he came. I don’t think he pulled out as he was not wearing a rubber (condom).

When we were finished swapping, we all got dressed and walked back school.

All throughout that week I fucked Janice at least 10 times. Most of the time I would pull out because rubbers got a little expensive. At the drive-in theatre Janice and I were in the back seat of my buddy Ronnie’s car. We double dated with Ronnie and Kim. They were in the front seat. I could hear Ronnie and Kim getting it on in the front seat. At the same time Janice and I were dry humping when I pulled her slacks down and off one foot. She was on top. I put my firm rod into her very wet pussy. I pumped from the bottom and when she came, I had to pull out quickly and pumped my sperm on her belly and over my cock. I was worried I had gotten some of my seed in her vagina. She said, “If you did it is because you love me”. She and I walked to the concession stand and went to the restroom to get cleaned up. When we got back to the car Ronnie and Kim were not there. We climbed into the back seat again. I don’t even remember what the movie was about. Janice told me one of one of her dreams. She said, “I had a dream that our daughter asked me what is a blowjob”? Janice proceeds to tell me how she demonstrated on my dick. I asked, “What happened next”? She said, “That is when I woke up and had to piss”.

Around springtime I found Janice with another guy. I went to her house with a box of candy and the front door was open. I walked in as I normally did many times before, and to Janice’s bedroom. The door was open just a crack. She had another guy on the bed with her hand on his dick that was out of the front of his pants. She seemed to be jacking him off. When she saw me in the doorway, she jumped up and tried to run after me. I got out of there in a big hurry. That other guy was the size of a football player. I didn’t want to mess with him. She tried to call me several times that night and my brother answered the calls and told Janice that I never wanted to see her again. She tried to tell my brother some big sob story, about this guy made her do that, but we weren’t buying it. I saw a smile on her face when she was jerking this other guy off.

About that same month Carrie found out she was about a month pregnant. It was Tim’s baby no doubt about it. She never fucked another guy in those few months, apart from the one time we swapped couples, and then I used a rubber (condom). Pam was starting to show, but we had another couple of nights fucking at her house when her parents were out of town. It was difficult getting around her belly, so we fucked doggy style a couple of times. One time while we were spooning, I reached over and played with her nipples and felt a little dampness. I think that was her milk coming out. I spread her legs apart and felt her pussy. It was already lubed up with my cum from the previous hour’s fucking. I rammed my dick into the awaiting hole. She was playing with her button (clit) and came hard. She wiggled around so much I thought she was going to fall off the bed. I had finally conquered my premature ejaculation problem with Pam’s help. Pam showed me when to slow down and when to speed up so I could last longer. Later, that night or early in the morning, I felt my cock was wet. I felt looked down to find Pam giving me a blowjob. I said, “What a thing to wake up to”. Pam pulled her mouth from my dick to say, “I’m sorry”. “Did I wake you”? I laughed and said, “If this is how you wake me up, you can do that all you want”.

About an hour later we finished our morning coffee and stripped the bed and put the sheets in the washing machine. I finished getting dressed and Pam drove me home. We kissed goodbye in front of my house. Boy did I hear an earful from my dad when he saw me kissing a pregnant lady. He was quite sure I knocked her up. I had to explain that some other guy knocked her up and I was just helping her move some furniture around. I told him I wanted to kiss the bride. Because she just got married (I lied). I think he bought it.

About six months after I saw Janice as I bumped (literally) into her at a party store. I was not watching where I was going, and Janice was coming in the door as I turned around, not knowing anyone was coming in. She laughed about me bumping into her. She apologized about the other guy she was jerking off. I said don’t worry about it. She asked if I could give her a ride home. She only lived about three blocks away (half a mile or 0.8 Km for people not in the U.S.). When she got into my pick-up truck, she asked if we could go somewhere to talk. I drove to my usual parking lot near the expressway. We parked and she started to slide over next to me. Trucks only had bench seats back in the 70’s. When she got next to me, she put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it. As she was trying to tell me about the other guy, I caught her with. As she was speaking, she inched closer to my raging hardon. She rubbed my dick through my pants. I don’t even remember what she was saying. All I knew is I wanted to fuck her for old times sake. I pulled Janice close to me and kissed her passionately. Our tongues were darting between both of our mouths. She leaned over to me and said, “I missed you so much”. By that time, I had reached up her shirt and under her bra to rub her titties. I used the other hand to slide down under her pants and started rubbing her clit and put one finger up her hot hole. I crooked my finger to rub on her G spot. She was ready. We got out of the cab of the pick-up truck. I opened the cap on the rear to the bed of the truck. If you remember from other chapters I also have a mattress inside. We laid on the mattress and covered up with my sleeping bag that was opened like a blanket. We peeled off our clothes after we warmed up. It didn’t take long, the way we were kissing the heat between us warmed us up quickly. I asked Janice if she was on any kind of birth control. She shook her head no. I took a rubber (condom) out of my pants pocket and rolled it on. I did not realize I had bought some un-lubricated rubbers. When I started to push into Janice’s cunt, I couldn’t get it in at first. She had to wiggle around pushing my dick head against her clit to get enough of her girl cum to lubricate the condom. After a couple of minutes, she had her juices flowing. She also came almost as soon as I pushed my cock into her fuck hole. I started pumping and she came again. Shortly after that I came spirt after spirt. After we finished fucking, we got dressed and I drove Janice home in almost silence. She asked me if she can see me again. I told her maybe in a couple of weeks because I had to go up north for a couple of weeks. I lied because I really didn’t want her to break my heart again. About three weeks later, I saw Janice coming out of the high school. I was there to pick up Gina, the girl that would later become my wife. Janice told me she had to go home with one of the councilors to meet with her parents.

End of Chapter 3. See Chapter called Gina.

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