Boys Nieghbor Chapter 2

Boys Nieghbor Chapter 2

Boys Neighbor chapter 2

Part 1

That evening changed my life and my whole perspective on sexuality. At first, I tried to forget what happened at first it was terrible to think about being that embarrassed and subjected to being naked and humiliated in front of a grown woman not to mention being licked by a huge dog until the point that I came all over and then make to watch and suffer through having him lick me clean. It was days before I was able to get a hard on and actually masturbate .. well try to at least, all my usual thought were not working my usual porn magazines helped a little but after 20 mins of trying I was not able to stay hard. I figured I was tired or still not right from what happened to me last week. I let a few more day go by before I tried again .. same thing I could not get hard but my balls hurt I knew I needed to cum and bad at this point, I could even remember the last time I had gone a week without shooting my load. So being I was worried something was wrong I started to think about what had happened to me in detail going over the details thinking maybe the dog had did something to me. Then it happened I was hard not only hard but throbbing hard, so I quickly started jerking off thinking about a girl in school .. but o lost the feeling and now my balls really hurt. I was so frustrated I went to bed. The next day I was walking home from school and I saw my neighbor (I know knew here name to be Karen ) walking the huge dog ( also now know his name was Max ) .. and I panic and hid behind a parked van until they passed. I was not seen however I noticed my cock was rock hard, WTF I said to myself I could not get hard all week but I see this stupid dog and I do. I just proceeded to walk home but while on that walk I stayed hard the whole time and I couldn’t help but wonder why and then it hit me that it must be the dog I must being getting turned on by that stupid dog. I went home happy to tear my clothes off and get my self off but as soon as I started I lost it. Now I was severely pissed and my balls hurt like they never have before. Was I this messed up from that experience that now the only thing that turns me on is that dog, I refused believe that was the pint I was at. Again, I went to bed totally frustrated. The next day was a Saturday and I woke up with the same pain but worse , this was crazy I had not cum in almost two weeks and I needed to so bad I was Kind of going crazy . I was really getting to a point of desperation wondering if I should talk to my mother .. but the how the hell does one do that , not an easy subject to talk to your mother about and my father was never home and not the talking type. I determined I had to go back and talk to Karen.

Part 2

So I walked over there and knocked on her door after turning around like 6 times backing out. But I finally did I needed answers I needed to understand what was wrong with me. She answered the door gave me a weird smirk and said she told me to never come back and what the hell did I want. I replied that I wanted to just talk and ask her something. She mumbled something about at least I used the door this time and wasn’t being a little perverted peeper. She let me in and I just stood in her foyer not even remember why I was there but I kept looking for the dog. She saw me looking and told me the dog (Max ) was in the yard and again asked what I wanted. I just stood there again wondering why the hell I was there and what was I supposed to say that I was not able to jerk off and I didn’t know why?? Finally, after maybe two minutes she seemed annoyed that I was bothering her and said either spit it out or get out. I tried to speak but nothing would come out she slapped me in the back of the head I was jolted back to reality and I blurted out .. I can’t cum. She just looked at me said what did you say? And I repeated I can’t cum. So, she said what do you mean you cant cum is your dick broken? I said no I just can’t get hard anymore. Again, confused she said so your dick is broken? And again, I replied no I just can’t get hard unless I think about Max. She then erupted into a hysterical belly laugh. She then said so wait you cant get hard unless you think about my dog you little sick pervert? Hearing her say it out loud did make it sound worse and I just shook my head yes. Again she laughed harder this time. I was feeling that humiliated embarrassed feeling again, apologized for coming back and started to leave. Karen grabbed my arm and said not so fast. She says, so you mean to telling me in the last two weeks since our little episode you can only jerk off and cum thinking about my dog ? I said not exactly, and she replied then what? So sheepishly I told her that in the last weeks I was not able to cum or even get a hard on , and the only time I was able to get hard was when I saw her walking the dog , and then I tried but still could not come . Again she laughed saying how a young man like me should not being going two weeks without coming, and asked if my balls hurt and I replied yes very much so . She told me to pull my pants down and I said what? so she walked over and pulled them down herself and grabbed my cock and started stroking it . After a minute or two just laughed as it was barely hard. I was mortified and scared that I would never cum again.She walked out of the room and came back in holding Max by the collar and my cock jumper up and started to throb. Again laughing at me and talking to max how he must have done a really good job and that he had an admirer. She put him back out side and came over to me and told me to leave and I was a sick little pervert and that I got what I deserved for peeking at her. I left totally lost as to what to do and again humiliated leaving her house .I walked home tried a cold shower letting the water pour over my balls which did help with the pain , I just kept telling myself there is no way this could last and went to bed .

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