Norm had the feeling she knew he was stalking her and that made him cautious. Did she want to get raped? She didn’t look like the typical police decoy with the way she was dressed. The bitch dressed kind of weird actually; a baggy trench coat, wide floppy hat and oversized sunglasses. No, not a cop but…well, Norm hoped she wasn’t a cross dresser. The middle-aged man was due back at the office for an important meeting and he didn’t want to be late. But sometimes these urges took control and he had to act on them. The bitch walked into a sheltered area surrounded by trees and Norm decided to act. It would have to be a quickie. “Careful!” the woman cried when Norm tackled her to the ground from behind. “Shut up!” Norm growled. “Don’t fight me or I’ll hurt you bad.” “I won’t fight you but you already have hurt me. I’m sure I’ll be bruised all over by tomorrow.” “Just cooperate and you might live to see tomorrow.” “I’m at your mercy,” the woman replied. Norm just grunted. He turned her over and thrust a hand between his victim’s legs. He didn’t feel any prick or balls and was glad of that. There was cross dresser a few years back and the entire experience put him off raping women for almost an entire year. He brought out his switchblade and cut away the crotch of her panties. Good. She was wet. The bitch wanted to be raped. Well, he’d oblige her. He took out his prick and entered her easily. “Let’s see what you look like,” said Norm and reached for the woman’s sunglasses. “Please don’t. N-not that,” she begged. “I’ve injured my eyes and I’m afraid it’s not at all attractive.” Norm hesitated. If the bitch’s eyes really did look gross he’d probably lose his erection. The man decided it wasn’t worth taking a chance. He’d fuck her without further ceremony. He had to get back to the office soon. The man was lucky his office was just on the other side of the park. Norm knew he wasn’t going to last long. He never did and he didn’t give a shit about it one way or the other. He only wanted to get his rocks off without paying a whore or having some snooty bitch criticizing his performance. He blamed it all on his bitch ex-wife and ingrate children. Norm sprayed his seed into his victim’s cunt in under two minutes. “That was wonderful,” the woman said as Norm rested his full weight on her body while he caught his breath. He looked hard at her. He couldn’t detect any irony in her voice. “It was the greatest ever,” Norm finally decided to say. “I’m glad,” his victim replied, “and knowing that I’ve given you a bit of pleasure makes this a little easier but not much.” “What the fuck are you…” Norm felt a stinging sensation in his fat gut. He recoiled and pulled back his fist to punch the bitch in the face just like he did with the cross dresser but a sudden weakness overtook him and he flopped back down on the woman. “I’m afraid it’s too late to struggle,” the woman said in a voice meant to be soothing. “It’ll be over in a few moments. No, you’re not dying…at least not yet. I do owe you an explanation and I intend to do just that as soon as the venom has taken full effect.” Venom? Norm tried to yell but not a sound would come out of his mouth. A cold permeated his body adding to the weakness he already felt…and then numbness. A minute later he wasn’t feeling anything although he remained awake and alert. His mind was frantically working for a way to escape but his body wouldn’t cooperate. It was like his mind and body had totally separated. What was this crazy bitch going to do to him? The man began to pray, something he hadn’t done in many years. “I think that about does it,” said the woman. “The venom induces paralysis and has practically shut down all of your voluntary movements.” She pushed his body off her own and stood up. “Your cardio respiratory system is still functional. Your reasoning abilities are also unaffected as well as your sight and hearing. Just about everything else has been shut down I’m afraid.” She was amazingly strong for a woman her size and pulled Norm’s considerable bulk further into the thickest part of the trees and bushes. “Gosh, I hate wearing this stuff. It’s so unfashionable.” She quickly removed her coat, hat and sunglasses. “You can look at my eyes now if you want.” She sat down beside Norm. The unfortunate man would have recoiled if he could. The woman had eyes that belonged to a fly or some other insect. Norm felt a slight relief that he could at least close his eyes. “I have wings and antennae too but they’re nonfunctional,” the woman added. “Would you like to see?” Norm tried to shake his head and then settled for keeping his eyes closed. “By the way, my name is Lydia. I suppose you’re wondering how I got this way. Well, I’ll tell you. I was a lowly lab assistant to an entomologist at the university. Entomology is the study of insects. He studied species from the order Hymenoptera which includes parasitic wasps, his specialty.” Norm’s cell phone began to ring interrupting Lydia’s monologue. “You won’t need that any more.” She retrieved the device from its holster and turned it off. Norm began to hope someone would come looking for him when he didn’t answer his phone and didn’t show for his meeting. “Do you know the story of how Peter Parker became Spider-Man?” Lydia asked as if she were changing the subject. “He was bitten by a radioactive spider. Somehow the spider transferred its DNA to Peter and with it the spider’s powers. Peter Parker’s story is my story too except I was stung by a radioactive parasitic wasp. My strength increased somewhat but I also started growing insect parts. It’s just not fair. That never happened to Peter. Anyway, you can call me Wasp-Woman if you want but don’t expect me to come save you. I’m no super hero. “The wings are too small for my body mass and the eyes are really more of a hindrance than a help. The only thing that really works is this stinger along with the instinct and the desire to use it. Do you know what my stinger does besides stinging? What? No guesses even? I can tell right now you didn’t come prepared for this little quiz. Female parasitic wasps use their stingers to immobilize their prey and deposit their eggs inside the victim. The eggs hatch and the larvae feed on their host. Once they’ve consumed you they’ll spin themselves a cocoon and by next summer they’ll emerge as mature wasps. They’ll have the appearance of wasps but much larger with all the instincts plus the ability to learn like a human. That’s exactly what’s going to happen. I know this through previous experience. Your death will be slow but at least it will be painless.” The bitch is fucking nuts thought Norm. How did I get myself into this mess? “I almost forgot to tell you the best part. You’re the one who fertilized the eggs incubating inside your body at this very moment. You’re going to be a father. Isn’t that exciting? I know you don’t appreciate it. I mean, this was supposed to be a one-night stand for you so to speak and now you have mouths to feed, right? Now, don’t look at me that way. You’re the one who attacked me, remember? I didn’t attack you.” Lydia put on her coat, hat and sunglasses. After camouflaging Norm’s nesting spot she said, “I really enjoyed our time together but I must run.” She bent down and kissed him on the lips. Norm didn’t have the voice to plead for mercy. He could only pray for salvation to the god of his childhood; the god he had long forgotten. Three days later Norm saw a writhing motion beneath his bared but grimy belly. The eggs had hatched. The larvae had begun to feed. He was being eaten alive. There was nothing he could do. The End