My first time with Cindy

My first time with Cindy

The story:

On our way back from hospital, after dropping my wife off for a very serious back operation, Cindy, was telling me how she will do all the things that mommy used to do in the house, like washing the dishes and do the washing and that she will look after her daddy like mom do. It was said in a kind of a soft whisper and she had her hand on my arm, touching me softly and looking in my eyes. I felt a stirring in my pants and looked down at Cindy’s shapely legs and the little miniskirt she had on, I immediately forced my gaze back to the road, shocked at the thoughts that came up in my mind. After we arrived home she said that she is tired and that she is going to bed. We kissed good night and her lips lingered on my lips just a little bit longer than usually and I felt the stirring in my pants again. I watched her skipping up the stairs and got a glimpse of her panties, damn I had to stop this!

I was surprised to find her sleeping in my bed after I finished a few things around the farms administration and felt guilty when my eyes followed the lines of her, developing little body and the roundness of her budding little breasts starting to show through the night dress she had on. It was mid summer and she did not pull the sheets over her and I noticed her white panties showing where the night dress had crept up her legs. My cock started to stir in my pants and I quickly looked away from this little girl on my bed.

After changing into my usual sleeping gear of a boxer and bare chest I got into bed making sure not to get too close to Cindy. There was this stirring in my body and I was fighting it while my eyes kept on straying to Cindy’s body, I decided to switch the bed light off and after a while, with the guilty feeling that I am actually sexually attracted to my preteen daughter, I dosed off with a semi hard on that was trying to think harder than my brain.

I woke up sometime during the night and found with a shock that Cindy was lying with her leg draped over my body her body pressed against mine, I could feel the pressure of her tits against my body and then I realized that her hips were rocking up and down, she was pressing her mound against my hip, her thigh was lying on my dick and it was as stiff as a flagpole! Her breathing was erratic and came in small rasps! I did not know what to do! My head was spinning I was split in two, I want this, I can’t want this, stop this, my heart was beating like a thousand drums, my brain recorded this image that was visible only because of the light of the moon. That image is still recorded in my memory bank up till today. The vision of this little vixen humping my hip, her night dress pulled up to her waist, her panty visible, my dick was as hard as it never was before and I could not resist this, I want this! I turned her face up to mine softly kissing her forehead then her nose down to her lips, pressing my lips against hers opening her, pressing my tongue into her mouth, her tongue meeting mine. She gave a soft moan and put her arm around my neck. My one hand slid down her back over her panty clad ass, stroking her down there then up again letting it slide across the side of one of her tits, she groaned into my mouth, pressing her pussy harder into my hip. I slowly tuned her over on her back stopping to look at her face in the moonlight, she was so beautiful that my heart was acing. Looking her in the eyes I asked her if she wanted more from her daddy and she nodded her head saying two words only, “please daddy”

I scooped down, taking the night dress and pulled it up slowly revealing her flat stomach, and then I saw for the first time my sweet baby’s tits! So beautiful, the size of and shaped like a perfect orange. My mouth was dry when I took hold of her panty and pulled it of to reveal her pussy, it was a moment never to forget, in the light of the moon was a goddess lying and waiting for me to make her a woman. My dick was acing, I stood up and with Cindy looking at me with a strange kind off light radiating from her face pulled my boxers down to reveal to her for the first time, my love tool. I took her one foot in my hand and started to kiss her toes, sucking on them, moving up her leg, stroking, kissing, nibbling on her flesh, up over her hip to her navel down the other leg, my eyes fixed on her pussy. Then I moved up again, kissing the inside of her thigh moving closer to her pussy until I could smell her musky sent filling my brain with lust, I wanted her sooo much. My lips touched her pussy lips my hands moving up to take possession of her tits, her perky little tits topped with two stiff pink nipples that felt like needles trying to puncture my flesh.
She let out a deep moan and grabbed on to my hair, pulling me into her pussy. I found that she was already soaking wet when I parted her pussy lips with my tongue and she tasted so sweet. I pressed forward and drove my tongue into her love hole and she answered by rocking her pelvis up into my face and I new she was close to the sexual climax that her body wants so much. Then I found her clit at the top of her pussy, it was standing erect even though not very prominent it was standing proud and waiting for me to help me to send Cindy into the clouds and that is exactly what happened when I took the little nubbin between my teeth. Cindy let out a groan and rocket her body up and down grinding into my face screaming for all the farm animals to hear “Oh fuck yeeesssss my lovely dadddddyyyyy, oh fuuuucccck my swwweeeeettt dddaaaaaddddy” She pushed her pussy into my face while I sucked her wonderful juices into my mouth, drinking my lovely daughter.

I waited for her to calm down and then started to kiss her mound up over her stomach, brushing across one pink nipple then finding her mouth and softly kissing her. She broke the kiss “Daddy what happened to me? I never felt like that in my life! Was that a orgasm?” I explained that she had an orgasm and I can show her more ways to reach an orgasm. “Are you going to make love to me daddy? Please I want you to, I am yours I want to be your girlfriend, please” I could not take this any longer, I had to make her my lover, I kissed her with all the love that was boiling up inside me, my hands working over her body, touching, searching, drawing her into my body. Her arms were locked around my neck her tongue seeking and finding mine, sucking on my tongue, drawing it into her mouth. I opened her legs and traced her pussy lips with my finger which make her jolt, pushing her hips up into my hand, I could feel her soft feather like pubic hair brushing against my hand, then everything in me broke down, any restrained that there could have been was gone and I moved in between her legs, putting my cock’s head against her pussy. I opened her softly with my fingers and pushed forward, pressing just the head in between her lips. I looked down on her face and saw only her eyes like two stars shining in the darkness, the moonlight playing over her body, it was as if we were the only two people in the world. She whispered softly “I want you daddy” and that was just too much for me, I pushed forward until I could feel her cherry. I grabbed her around her narrow hips and pulled her to me while driving forward and broke through her cherry. She made a whimpering sound and bit on her bottom lip but looked into my eyes as if to say that everything is ok.

I started pumping into my little girl, now a woman and she started to groan every time I pushed into her, I was buried into her up to my balls when she started to grind into me. We started to fuck each other, I picked her up and she was sitting on my lap, we kissed, my hands on her tits, she dug her nails into my back and started to buck like a horse, riding me into a frenzy. She looked me in my eyes and started to talk dirty to me I could not believe the words that came out of her. “Fuck me daddy, fuck your little baby. Fuck my little girl pussy. Ohhhhh Fuck me dadddddyyyy, cooommmeee in my little fucking pussy daddy pllleeeeaaaaasssse iiiiimmmme cummmming daaaaddddd nnnnngggggg!” She had her face into my neck biting me and that was all I needed to shoot my seed deep into my daughter, load after load. Cindy went limp in my arms and with my cock still lodged inside her I rolled over and we fell asleep with the first light of day visible in the east.

After that we had a wonderful weekend of love and discovering each others body’s.

I would like to know what you think and if your feedback is good I will continue with the rest of what happened between me and Cindy.

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