The Ladder

The Ladder

Fbailey story number 187

The Ladder

When mom called us into the house I knew that I was in trouble. After all my parents thought that trouble was my middle name. I sure had been in enough of it lately too. Mostly it was centered around my little sister.

Mom said, “Randi what were you doing up that ladder?”

Randi said, “I had to get my paper airplane out of the tree.”

Mom said, “And you let your brother hold the ladder for you? I told you a million times that he only wants to look up your skirt to see your panties. Haven’t I?”

Randi laughed at mom and said, “Well I fooled him. I’m not wearing any.”

Suddenly mom turned red with anger and turned toward me. She screamed at me, she told me that I was really going to get it when my father got home, and then she told me to go to my room. I was definitely in for it this time.

The thing was that I was sixteen years old and old enough to know better. Randi was just thirteen years old and mom’s favorite. Randi could do no wrong. At least that’s what mom thought. Randi was my kid sister and I was always trying to look up her skirt and she even liked letting me do it. I had seen her bald pussy lots of times. However lately Randi just has to get me into trouble too. What else are kid sisters for? I knew that she would make it up to me afterwards though because she always does.

She was what mom called a late bloomer. Randi was almost twelve when she had her first period and then it was a few months before she got her next one. Now mom writes it on the calendar and it embarrasses the hell out of Randi. About that same time she started growing her tits too. She sure was proud of them and she would lift her shirt every day so that I could see them. Then one day she told me to lift her shirt anytime that I wanted to see them. Sure enough about a week later I got caught lifting her shirt. Mom saw me do it and of course Randi didn’t tell her that she always let me look at them, so I got the belt. After that I not only got to look at Randi’s tits every day but I could suck on her nipples and touch them as much as I wanted too.

Lately Randi had been showing me the tiny hairs that were starting to grow on her pussy. She was so proud of them that she just wanted to show them off, so of course I look. The best part is when she gets on my bed, leans back, and opens up her legs really wide so that her pussy flattens out and her moist lips open up so that I can see right down into her fuck hole. Of course she won’t let me touch her pussy but she will open it up further for me so that I can see it better. She is so limber that she can almost look in her hole herself. Sometimes I hold up a mirror so that she can look at it too.

Then about two weeks ago Randi started to let me poke my finger down into her hole too along with a candle that she stole from mom’s dinning room drawer. I could get my index finger all the way in right to the point where my other fingers get in the way. However I can get that candle into her six and one quarter inches because I have marked it with my thumbnail and measured it afterwards.

I was sitting in my room waiting for dad to beat me when Randi came up to warn me that dad had just come home and that mom was filling him in on everything. Then she sat on my bed and put her ankles behind her head so that I could have one last look at her bald pussy before I get beat with the belt. She told me that I could poke my finger into her so that I would have a pleasant memory to think of during my punishment. Randi even told me how sorry she was for getting me into trouble and that I could start fucking her after my punishment. That’s when dad cleared his throat and closed the door behind him.

Neither Randi nor I moved a muscle, as dad looked the situation over. There was Randi with her head on my pillow, her feet behind her head, holding her pussy open for me and there was me with my index finger all the way in her moist pussy. Plus dad had heard it all, how she had gotten me into trouble and how she was going to start letting me fuck her afterwards.

Dad walked over to us and reached one of his big hands down to hold both of her feet in that position behind her head. Then he slowly pulled my finger out of her pussy. I sat back with a raging hard-on in my pants as dad just looked at my little sister. Then it finally dawned on me that I wasn’t in trouble anymore.

I looked at Randi in that position with her legs just to the outside of her breasts. Her T-shirt was stretched tightly to her chest, her small breasts were making little hills in the material, and her tiny nipples were hard as pencil erasers. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist. Her pussy was flattened out, it was pink, and her open hole was drooling. I could even see her little asshole puckering and relaxing as she breathed. Then I noticed her face as she went from tears flowing down her face to almost a smile as she stared at the big bulge in dad’s pants. Right then I knew that she wasn’t in any trouble either.

Dad asked Randi, “Have you ever had a cock in that little cunt of yours?”

I had never heard dad talk like that before.

Randi answered, “No daddy. Not yet.”

Dad asked me, “Have you ever put your cock in a cunt before?”

I replied, “No dad. Not yet.”

Then dad surprised the hell out me when he said, “I’ll hold her. You fuck her first.”

All kind of thoughts rushed through my mind. “First!” “Fuck her!” “He’ll hold her while I fuck her!”

So I removed my blue jeans and my underwear while dad looked at my erection. I got back on the bed and crawled over closer to Randi. Then I held my cock and tilted it down far enough to touch the head of it to her moist hole. I pushed forward and it slipped right in with hardly any resistance at all. Dad held her feet behind her head as I fucked my thirteen-year-old sister. I knew that she was six and one-quarter inches deep and I also knew that that was how long my cock was so when I hit bottom I wasn’t nearly as surprised as Randi was. I had to admit it though she took it like a champ. Randi never called out to mom or tried to get away from us. I fucked my sister with an urgency that I always had whenever I was excited and jerking off at night. I thrust into her all that I needed to and then I told dad that I was going to cum and he told me to just cum in her, after all Randi had been on the pill for a year by then anyway.

When I finished cumming and pulled my cock out of her dad told me to hold her while he fucked her next. What! I could hardly believe my ears. Dad dropped his pants and his underwear in one fluid motion then he forced his cock into his daughter’s cunt. Dad’s cock was almost identical in size to mine only his maybe a little thicker. Dad was not at all in the hurry that I had been in. He was enjoying that fuck as if he had been waiting years for it. Apparently he had wanted to fuck her and this gave him the opportunity that he had needed.

As dad fucked Randi he told her that she had been teasing him for long enough too. She had constantly flashed him her pussy for the last few months also and he had had enough. He asked her if he was hurting her any but I don’t think he was even paying attention when she said just a little bit. Dad was in some sort of erotic dream where fathers fuck their daughters all of the time and that it was okay to do so. He was remembering fucking his sister when he was my age too. He was even remembering fucking his sister’s best friend right along with her too. That best friend was my mother.

Then dad sent me downstairs to get mom. He told me not to bother putting my clothes back on either. So with my cock semi erect I went downstairs and told mom that dad wanted her to come up to my bedroom. She followed me up the stairs but I think that she checked out my bare ass and my fuzzy balls the whole way. I entered my bedroom first and then mom stood in the doorway.

Mom looked at the position that Randi was in and dad’s cock still in her cunt and then she asked, “What to hell do you think you’re doing.”

Dad smiled at her and said, “Remember when you were this age and I used to fuck you and my sister together just like this?”

Mom blushed and said, “Yes I remember.”

Dad asked, “Can you still get your feet behind your head?”

Mom said, “I don’t know, but I could try if you really want me too.”

Then mom undressed in front me and I got to see her completely naked. Mom has huge boobs compared to Randi. She has a whole forest of hair on her pussy too. Then mom got up on the bed next to Randi and with a lot of grunting and straining told dad that she couldn’t do it anymore. Then she told him that she would practice for him if he wanted her too.

Dad looked at me and just said, “Now fuck your mother.”

Mom saw the look of shock on my face and said, “You better do as your father says unless you want a taste of that belt.”

So I got up on the foot of the bed and slipped my cock into my mother’s pussy with her help. Her knees were up to her breasts and I just leaned into them as I fucked her.

Dad said, “He should last a little while longer this time. He just finished fucking his sister before I started too fuck her. Did you know this little bitch was getting him in trouble on purpose?”

Mom smiled and replied, “I sure did. Who do you think put her up to it. How does she feel?”

Dad replied, “Just like you and my sister used too. Nice and tight in this position.”

Mom said, “Speaking of your sister, did you know that she’s back in town?”

Dad said, “Yes I did. I fucked her in my office at noon today. She’s supposed to come by later tonight.”

Mom said, “Good maybe the five of us can have some old-fashioned fun then. I wonder if she can get her feet behind her head.”

Just then I cum in mom’s pussy as dad cum in Randi. When we pulled out the two girls straightened themselves out on the bed.

Randi looked right at me and said, “Want to see what mom taught me?” Then she turned around, sat on mom’s face, and then buried her own face in mom’s pussy. Dad and I watched them until we got hard again. He really wanted to fuck Randi a second time and I really wanted to fuck mom again too so he picked Randi up and took her into his bedroom while mom got up on her hands and knees for me.

The End
The Ladder

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