Forbidden Love M&J Part 1

Forbidden Love M&J Part 1

One day in science class, I sat with my hands in my pockets.
Jordan, the boy next to me was paying me no attention, and I was kinda glad, cause I didn't want him to notice the bulge in my zipper.

But the teacher was paying attention to me. "Malik!" she called out. "Are you listening?!" Everyone stared at me, and I got nervous.

"Uhh..." I babbled, looking at Jordan. He looked at my pants, and his eyes got huge.

"What the FUCK?!" he shrieked. "What the hell are you doing?!!"

I was so embarrassed. I took my hands out of my pockets, got up, and stormed out the door.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I thought, silently crying on the toilet in the stall. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!

Just then, I heard the bathroom door open. "Hello?" said a voice. "Malik!" I sat up straight when I realized who it was.

"What?" I replied, sniffling.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked, standing outside the stall.

"No!" I cried, wiping my tears. My heart was beating extremely fast. "Just...leave me alone."

"Ms. Jones told me to come get you," he informed, pushing the stall door open. "Come on."

"No." I told him, closing the door. "Leave me alone!" I heard him sigh.

"Look," he firmly said, opening the door and walking into the stall. "I don't know what your problem is, but--" I stood up, and we stared each other in the eyes. I was totally mesmerized by his sexy hazel eyes, and my heart was beating uncontrollably. Without thinking, I grabbed him by the head, and kissed him passionately.

He quickly pushed away, staring at me with an eyebrow raised. "Dude!"

"I am SO sorry!" I cried. "I didn't mean to--" Suddenly, he grabbed me by the back of ny head, and kissed me back.

We stayed there for like a minute, until we heard someone walk in. He then pushed me away again, punching me in the face. I fell to the floor, hitting my head on the toilet.

"What the hell's wrong with you?!" he exclaimed, kicking me in the ribs. "Fuckin' faggot!"

I watched as he ran out the bathroom, and the other guy came up to me laughing. "Whoa!" he chuckled. "You just got KNOCKED OUT!" He took a picture with his iPhone, and left, laughing out loud.

When I got home, my mom was waiting at the door. "Oh, Malik!" she cried out, grabbing me. "What happened?!"

"Nothing," I lied, getting free of her grip. "I just...I got in a fight." Before she could speak, I walked past her and into the house. She followed after me.

"Malik!" she exclaimed. "What the hell do you mean 'you got in a fight'?! What HAPPENED?!"

"I don't wanna talk about it!" I said in a hushed voice, walking up the stairs.

I ran in my room, closing the door behind me. Then I hopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I thought, silently crying. The bruise on my eye was killing me, but the embarrassment hurt a thousand times more.

There was a knock at the door. "Ugh!" I groaned. "Who is it?"

"Jordan." I sat up, staring at the door with fear. "Can I come in?"

"No!" I angrily replied, standing up and walking to the door. "Who let you in?" I demanded, opening the door.

"Your mom," he answered.

"You followed me?!" I shrieked, closing the door after he walked in.

"Yeah," he said. "I felt bad about...what I did."

"Then why'd ya do it?" I questioned, folding my arms and sitting on my bed.

He sighed, sitting down. "I don't KNOW!" he cried. "I just...panicked! But I feel HORRIBLE!"

"Why'd you kiss me back?" I whispered, sitting next to him.

"Because..." he said. "...I you."

I blushed. "'re gay?" He stood up.

"Hell no!" he defended. "Of course not! I dudes." His smile gave me chills.

"So..." I said, staring at his lips. " like me?"

"I mean...I guess so," he answered, sitting next to me again, placing his hand over mine. "But if you tell ANYONE...I will" I laughed.

"Don't be rough," I joked. "Cause I don't really like it rough."

"Shutup," he chuckled, pushing me onto my back. He was then on top of me, with his hands beside my ears.

"Oh, my fucking god!" he whispered in a deep voice. "I'm so fuckin' horny." He dropped down to kiss my lips and cheeks. "Oh, my fuckin' god. I am gonna fuck you soo--" Just as my dick was getting hard, the door opened, and both of us looked at it.


"Malik! What the hell--"

"I can explain, mom!" I cried, pushing Jordan off of me.

"No!" she yelled, forcing Jordan to stand up. "I don't know who you are, but get the FUCK out of my house."

He walked to the door. "But, mom--"

"No!" she repeated. "You...are grounded. And if I see you or that boy again...I'm gonna kill both of you."

"Mom!" I shouted, sitting up. "You're completely overreacting. We were just--"

"If your dad was here..." she said, walking over to me. "...he would definitely..." She then began to cry, but I just grinded my teeth angrily. "...not like what you're doing."

"I'm NOT doing anything!" I barked. "If you would just shut the FUCK up and LISTEN..." I paused, and saw the pain in my mother's eyes.

She quickly slapped me, striking fear and anger into me. "Mom...." 

To Be Continued....

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