Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write

Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write

It had been barely 24 hours since the battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldermort, since the battle Harry had destroyed the elder wand and spent most of his time with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger, he had also spent a little time with his girlfriend Ginny Weasley who just happened to be Ron's little sister, he had found her with her family in the great hall and decided it would be best to go see her, after a soft kiss on the cheek from Her Harry had wrapped both arms around her and cuddled her softly as she mourned the death of her brother Fred Weasley, during the battle countless casualties had occured with Harry and the people he for all intensive purposes called his family the Weasleys losing people they knew and loved. The morning after the battle everyone awoke from their sleep, most people had spent the night at hogwarts, only the Weasley's, Harry and Hermoine chose not to instead they all spent the night at the Weasley home, Mrs Weasley was first up and was preparing breakfast for everyone when she heard footsteps running down the stairs, Ron burst into the kitchen shortly followed by Ginny and Hermoine Ron:- *Mum have you seen harry* he asked in a worried tone Mrs Weasley:- *No, why dear* she asked not taking her eye's off what she was doing Ron:- *He's gone, Taken all his clothes and possessions* he replied Now that got Mrs Weasley's attention as she nearly dropped the knife she was holding Mrs Weasley:- *Gone, What do you mean gone, Gone where* she asked in a very worried tone Ginny:- *Mum when we woke up this morning we realised harry wasn't there so we wondered if you had seen him slip past you* she quickly explained with tears softly running down her face Mrs Weasley:- *Im sorry dear but he hasn't gone past me, I'd of stopped him if he'd have tryed* she calmly stated Ginny:- *Well me, Ron and Hermoine best go see if we can find him then, Just got to hope he hasnt gotten too far* she quietly said, tears still softly running down her cheeks With all said and done Ron, Ginny and Hermoine all rushed back upstairs and changed as quickly as they could, Ginny and Hermoine were sharing a room so when either changed they always got a perfect view of the others body, Ginny was always a little shy so she always tried to cover up as best she could around Hermoine were as Hermoine was really bold and enjoyed it when Ginny saw her body as it made her feel all funny inside, she always knew she wasn't fully into girls as in she wouldn't date a girl or do anything sexual with one but she didn't mind been checked out by girls and she especially didn't mind it when she could check out other girls, she always liked to compare her body to others whenever she had the chance as it sometimes made her feel better when she realised she had bigger breasts, a flatter stomach or a firmer ass than some other girls, There was only one girl hermoine ever felt jealous of and that was Ginny herself, Ginny had Bigger breasts than she did but they only suited her body more, Her pale skin, tight body and firm ass made all the girls jealous, Hermoine always loved checking her out when she got the chance which was quite a lot as they had been spending more and more time together since Hermoine and Ron had begun dating. Ron:- *Are you two ready yet* he shouted as he banged on Ginny's door Hermoine:- *Maybe you should come in and find out* she said before collapsing in a fit of giggles knowing neither her nor Ginny were even close to ready Ron quickly turned the handle on the door deciding to take Hermoine up on her offer, The door was almost open when he felt something slam against it slamming the door shut and knocking him on his ass Ginny:- *Dont come in, we're not dressed, don't want you to see us like this* She shouted through the door Hermoine:- *Ginny might not want you to but i don't mind* she said giggling harder as she saw the annoyed look on Ginny's face followed by what looked to be a little bit of redness adding a little tint to her pale cheeks Ron:- *Well maybe i'll get to see you later when ginny isn't around, now please hurry up* he said as he got up off the ground and walked back to his room to make sure he had everything he wanted Ginny:- *It's nice to know when im not wanted* she said more to herself than anyone else but Hermoine had been listening Hermoine:- *Ginny you are wanted, me and Ron were just messing with you* she said softly as she walked over to Ginny who had managed to slip a pair of jeans on Ginny:- *You don't and i understand, you and Ron want some alone time to be a couple* ginny said as she let out a little sigh Hermoine didn't say anything else, she chose to instead wrap her arms round ginny and pulled her into a gentle hug, now that would of been innocent enough if Ginny or even Hermoine had been wearing a top or even a bra, they had both slept without bra's on under their pyjamas as they both found it more comfortable, now holding Ginny in a hug, their breasts rubbing against each other while Hermoine's hands had found their way down Ginny's back and were resting softly on her ass, The hug didn't last very long as Ginny pulled away looking a little flushed while Hermoine just carried on as if nothing had ever happened. Five minutes after there not so innocent hug both girls were dressed and were just finishing packing their bags as they didn't know how long they would be gone searching so they decided to pack a spare pair of clothes, a few toiletries and a sleeping bag just incase they weren't going to make it back one night, they heard another knock on the door Ron:- *Seriously, are you two ready yet, we do have harry to look for you know and the longer you take the further away he could be* he shouted through the door, he was about to say something else when the door opened and Hermoine stepped out wearing a pair of jeans that showed off her firm ass, a tight top that accentuated her B cup breasts with a waist length jacket that just made her look extremely sexy to Ron Hermoine:- *Well im guessing by the way you're staring that you like what you see* she said with a little giggle before softly pressing her body to Ron's and gently brushing her lips against his Ron wasn't going to settle for a teasing kiss so he wrapped one arm softly round her neck and pulled her back to him for a more passionate kiss, the kiss seemed to go on forever until they heard someone clear their throat behind them Ginny:- *Don't mean to break up the little love fest, well i do because i don't need to see this but still we do need to go find Harry* she said with a little sigh as she mentioned Harry's name Hermoine:- *Dont worry Ginny we will find harry, he will be okay* she said in a reassuring voice which almost had Ginny believe her but she knew deep down that they wouldn't find Harry that easily Ginny:- *Yeah i guess* she said with a half smile which she hoped fooled Hermoine into thinking she had believed her Hermoine:- *Come on let's go find Harry* she said with a smile as she wrapped one arm around Ginny and gave her a little hug for comfort With all said and done all three of them headed down the stairs and were half way out the door when they heard someone calling them back Mrs Weasley:- *Glad i caught you before you went* she quickly said a little out of breath Ron:- *Yeah, can you make it quick, we really need to get going* he quickly said with a big sigh believing they were finally going to get going to find his best friend Mrs Weasley:- *I just thought i would give you this lunch i had made for you, maybe you can have a little picnic or just sit down and eat something at some point* she said as she handed everyone a little lunchbox with a sandwich, carton of orange juice a biscuit and a piece of fruit in it, typical packed lunch Ginny/Ron:- *Thanks mum* they both said in unison Hermoine:- *Thankyou Mrs Weasley* she said just after Ginny and Ron had said thankyou Mrs Weasley:- *You're very welcome dears, now isn't it time for you to be going* she said with a little smile before getting out her wand and using a cleaning spell to begin the housework she had been putting off all morning as to make sure Ron, Ginny and Hermoine had some thing to eat on their search With all said and done Ron, Hermoine and Ginny set off, Ginny was trying her best to avoid Hermoine knowing full well if they got close to each other Hermoine would easy tell she didn't once believe that Harry was doing okay, she chose to walk next to Ron on his right hand side as Hermoine was on his left walking hand with him, Ron instantly found this strange as Ginny usually prefered to walk next to Hermoine so they could talk to each other and he could pretend to listen their conversation although he never truly did, deciding to find out what was wrong he let go of Hermoine's hand and turned towards Ginny Ron:- *What's wrong* he asked his voice full of concern for his younger sister Ginny:- *Nothing* she replied a little defensively Hermoine:- *You sure there's nothing wrong* she asked a little concerned, she just assumed Ginny was avoiding her due to there little hug incident but now she knew there was something more Ginny:- *It's nothing, now i think we should hurry up and see if we can get a lead on Harry's trail* she replied trying to avoid the topic that was on her mind Ron:- *Okay if you're sure, come on then let's see if we can find Harry before it get's too late* he quickly said in a more upbeat tone trying to lighten the mood a little Hermoine:- *Agreed, let's go find Harry* she said a little more downbeat than she had meant to, she had two reasons to be downbeat though and they were not only Harry but also Ginny who she knew was hiding something from her After about half an hour of walking Hermoine had completely forgot that she had been holding Ron's hand, she had hoped he hadn't noticed, slowly reaching out she grabbed his hand softly in her's only to have him pull away Hermoine:- *Why did you pull away* she whispered just loud enough for him to hear Ron just looked at Hermoine before shifting his gaze towards Ginny, repeating his process of looking back and forth between the two until Hermoine finally understood what he was suggesting, see Ron wanted her to talk to Ginny she slowly slowed her pace down and let Ron get a few steps ahead of her before she walked up to Ginny and wrapped one arm softly round her shoulder, holding her back for a second to let Ron get that few steps ahead she finally started walking again, arm round Ginny's shoulder who didn't seem to shrug it off, they kept a good enough pace to stay behind Ron and let him walk in front for a while why they spoke Hermoine:- *So what's wrong, don't tell me it's nothing cause we all know something is majorly wrong when even Ron can figure it out* she said her voice full of concern for Ginny who for all intensive purposes she saw as a sister sort of figure Ginny:- *It's just all this, Harry dissapearing, the hug this morning, all these mixed feelings* she said a little quietly hoping Ron wouldn't hear her talking, a little colour began to creep back into her cheeks and it didn't go unnoticed by Hermoine Hermoine:- *Ginny the hug was nothing, it was just a hug, i could give you one now and it would just be a hug as for harry, he will be fine i promise you, we will find him soon and you two will be reunited for a short while before i kill him for doing this* she said with a little giggle hoping to raise Ginny's mood Ginny:- *You can kill him after i kill him, i mean seriously, he left without even saying goodbye to me, after all we have been through* she said with a little giggle before her smile turned to a look of pure annoyance Hermoine:- *Okay, you need to relax, lets focus on just finding him then we can focus on been annoyed with him* she said with a half smile trying to calm Ginny down Ginny:- *okay, you're right, we need to focus and keep a calm head otherwise we will never get anywhere* she said as she gave Hermoine a soft smile Hermoine just smiled back as she wrapped one arm softly round Ginny's shoulders pulling her close for a hug, Ginny complied and gave Hermoine a hug back before they both broke apart and walked hand in hand till they caught up with Ron, upon reaching Ron both Ginny and Hermoine let each others hand go and fell in line next to Ron, Hermoine quickly grabbed his hand causing him to jump a little as he had not heard them walk up next to him, seeing Ginny walking on the opposite side of Hermoine he flashed her a quick smile before mouthing the words thankyou. After the best part of three more hours of searching Ron, Hermoine and Ginny found themselves outside number 12 grimmauld place, knowing that Harry knew the place better than anyone as it had once belonged to his godfather Sirius Black they all decided it might be a good place to start searching for Harry, a quick sweep of the house came to some avail as it had proved Harry had been there quite recently, Deciding he might return all three decided to set up camp in the house and would wait there till morning to see if Harry would return during the night. It was around midnight maybe just after when hermoine awoke to some soft moaning coming from the sleeping bag next to her, looking over she saw a little movement coming from Ginny's sleeping bag Hermoine:- *Ginny are you awake* she asked a little curiously After a little shuffling around and a few annoyed moans from Ginny both girl's soon found themselves face to face, Hermoine could see a hint of embarrasment in Ginny's cheeks and pretty quickly realised what the soft moans were Hermoine:- *Oh Ginny im so sorry, i shouldn't of said anything, you was having a little fun and i guess i've just ruined it* she said very apollogetically as she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling Ginny:- *No it's fine, i shouldn't of been doing it, it's just since me and Harry got together i've been a little more in the mood and Harry hasn't touched me, always say's no when i try anything* she said a little embarrased at been caught, there was a twinge of sadness in her voice which Hermoine picked up on instantly Hermoine:- *You know he loves you right, at hogwarts he was always saving himself for you, he didn't want anyone else but you* she softly said as she shifted closer to ginny Ginny:- *Then why doesn't he want to sleep with me, i've been waiting for him since the day i first met him, i keep trying to get him but he just wont* she said as a tear trickled down her cheek Hermoine:- *Ginny with everything that has happened recently he has just been busy, you will see, when we find him and have finished killing him you and him will have some alone time where you will get to do it* she softly said as she wiped away a tear from Ginny's face Ginny:- *Okay but what if he still declines* she quietly asked Hermoine:- *Ginny if he declines then send him to me and i will sort him out* she said with a little giggle, her little giggle caused Ginny to giggle and soon enough they were both laughing uncontrollably Ron:- *Some people are trying to sleep in here you know* he said a little grumpily Hermoine and Ginny's uncontrollable laughter had woke up Ron, he was in the middle of a very erotic dream involving his girlfriend Hermoine and their friend Luna, Hermoine had luna layed down on the bed, spread wide with two fingers slowly working there way in and out of her waiting hole, Luna was moaning louder than he thought possible for any girl when he heard laughter which caused him to wake Hermoine:- *Sorry sweetie, didn't mean to wake you, was just talking to Ginny, can see you was having a nice dream though* she said with a sly grin as she pointed towards the tent in the sleeping bag Ron:- *It was a nice dream, maybe you could come up here and help me with my problem* he said with a little wink Ginny:- *I guess i'll go then* she said as she started getting up only to be stopped by Hermoine Hermoine:- *He was just messing Ginny, come on me and you will go talk upstairs so Ron can get his sleep* she said as she softly smiled at her friend Ginny:- *You sure, i mean i'll go if you want, let you and Ron have some fun* she said a little unhappily Hermoine:- *No, me and Ron will have plenty of time for each other once we find Harry* she softly stated Ron:- *Oh so i don't get a vote in this now* he said jokingly knowing Ginny needed Hermoine more than he did right now Hermoine:- *No but if you're a good boy maybe i will give you a little present when we get back to the burrow* she said as she got up and walked over to him grabbing his erect member through the sleeping bag Ron and Hermoine shared a quick kiss before she turned back to Ginny, she walked back over to her and held out her hand, Ginny softly took it and was pulled out of bed straight into a hug, the hug seemed to go on forever and Ginny was grateful for it, after around two minutes Hermoine pulled away slowly but kept hold of Ginny's hand Hermoine:- *Come on, let's go upstairs now, leave Ron to sleep* she said as she started pulling Ginny towards the door Ginny:- *Okay, should we take our sleeping bags just incase* she asked just wanting to know if they would be returning to the room or getting any sleep at all Hermoine:- *Hmm it might be a good idea just incase* she said as she let go of Ginny's hand Both girls walked back over to there makeshift beds and grabbed there sleeping bags and pillow just incase they decided to sleep upstairs, after grabbing what they needed both girls softly crept back out of the room and up the stairs, once upstairs they chose the first bedroom they came to to set up there makeshift beds so they had somewhere to sit while they talked, once everything was set up and both girls were wrapped up in there sleeping bags Hermoine wrapped one arm around Ginny as she softly began to cry again Hermoine:- *Don't cry Ginny* she softly said while trying to comfort Ginny Ginny:- *I can't help it, i just miss harry, i don't know why but i feel asif he isn't doing well at all, i feel asif something is seriously wrong with him* she managed to stutter out between sobs Hermoine didn't reply, she knew Ginny was deeply upset about Harry and she knew word's wouldn't make her feel better so she decided to try something a little different, she softly layed one hand on Ginny's cheek before leaning in, she softly pressed her lips to Ginny's and was a little shocked when Ginny didn't pull away straight away, deciding to try take things a little further she gently parted her lips and began to slip her tongue into Ginny's mouth when she met a little resistance followed by Ginny pulling away Ginny:- *Hermoine what are you doing, i'm not a lesbian and neither are you, you're dating Ron* she asked a little shocked and angry at her friends actions Hermoine:- *Sorry i was just trying to make you feel better, give you what Harry hasn't given you* she quietly said a little embarrased by her actions, a little upset that she had just tryed it on with one of her closest friends and been rejected Ginny:- *But i'm not into girls, i didn't know you was* she said a little confused by Hermoine and the feelings she was now feeling from that one little kiss Hermoine:- *I'm sorry, i shouldn't of done that, i'm so sorry* she said with tears starting to form in her eyes, as she started to get up she felt Ginny grab her arm Ginny:- *Please don't leave* she said a little quieter than she had wanted Hermoine sat back down opposite Ginny trying to avoid her stare, she was a little shocked when Ginny scooted closer to her and held out her arm's for a hug, Hermoine quickly complied and shuffled forward till she was close enough to Ginny to give her a hug, they both softly wrapped their arms around each other and held each other for what seemed longer than time itself, minutes passed before Ginny pulled away from the hug and stared at Hermoine with a questioning look Ginny:- *Erm, well i was wondering, well you know, how far would you of gone, i mean if i didn't stop you* she asked in barely a whisper hoping Hermoine hadn't heard her, her face was about as red as her hair was now and she felt super embarrased Hermoine:- *Hmm well to be honest i don't know, i mean i would of felt guilty if i'd of gone too far cause you're in a vulnerable state, why'd you ask* she said a little embarassed but also a little intrigued by Ginny's question Ginny:- *So if i didn't stop you you might of gone all the way with me* she asked while trying not to look at Hermoine, she was embarrased by the feelings Hermoine had brought out of her Hermoine:- *I guess but i would of spent a lifetime regretting it* she replied still a little saddened by trying to take advantage of Ginny Ginny:- *So what if maybe i asked you to do it* she asked a little more boldly than she had expected to Hermoine:- *Wait, what* she asked pretty shocked by what Ginny had just said Ginny:- *Well you know, maybe it's just because im extremely turned on but what if i asked you to do it with me* she asked a stunned hermoine Hermoine:- *I don't know* she replied still in shock about what Ginny had just said Without another word Ginny leaned forward and pressed her lips to Hermoine's, feeling no resistance from Hermoine she carried on kissing her getting a little braver as she parted her lips and let her tongue slide across Hermoines lips trying to force it's way into her mouth, Hermoine quickly gathered her thoughts and instead of pulling away she softly parted her lips to allow Ginny's tongue access to her mouth, after a few minutes of tongue wrestling Ginny slowly pulled away and blushed as she tried to look away Hermoine:- *Thought you wasn't into girls* she said with a little giggle trying to make Ginny feel a little more comfortable Ginny:- *I'm not, i mean it's just that..* she let her sentence trail off as she didn't know what to say Hermoine:- *You want to shall we say get off and you don't find it as fun as you used to and you was hoping maybe i would do it for you to try make it a little better until Harry finally get's his act together and makes you feel like you deserve* she said with a little grin Ginny just nodded, she was that embarrased that she thought she had lost the will to speak, she was embarrased and a little ashamed that she wanted someone other than Harry to try and satisfy her Hermoine:- *Well how about you strip and lay down* she said with a comforting smile trying to make Ginny feel less embarrased Still embarrased Ginny slowly stood up and started pulling off her pyjama top, she changed infront of hermoine day in day out at hogwarts and at the burrow but she knew this time was different, upon removing her top she turned away from Hermoine as to try hide her breasts from Hermoine until she felt a little more comfortable showing them to her for a reason other than catching each other changing, while facing away she slowly pulled her bottoms down her legs and quickly stepped out of them before kicking them away into a pile with her pyjama top Hermoine:- *Don't be embarrased* she said as she walked up behind Ginny, she softly wrapped both arms round her from behind and held her body against Ginny's bare back Ginny:- *Sorry it's just i've never done anything like this for anyone, especially not a girl* she said meekly trying to hide the embarrasment in her voice Hermoine:- *It's okay, we can take this as slow as you want* she said in a soothing tone, she hoped Ginny would calm down enough and carry on stripping so she could see her luscious body that made everyone weak in the knees Ginny:- *Thankyou, i..i..think..may..maybe im ready* she managed to stutter out Hermoine:- *If you're sure* she said softly as she let go of Ginny and took a step back Ginny slowly turned round to Hermoine's surprise, with her hands down by side Hermoine got a perfect view of Ginny's perfect body, her 34c breasts exposed to the world or in this case just Hermoine, All's Ginny had on at this point were a pair of pink/grey striped bikini style underwear, a slight hint of red/brown curls were sticking out the top, Hermoine was quite taken aback when Ginny slipped a finger into either side of the waistband of her underwear and slowly slipped them down her legs and kicked them to the pile of clothes, Ginny only had a light patch of pubic hair just above the entrance to her untouched by anyone other than herself virgin pussy Hermoine:- *Wow Ginny you look amazing* she said as she stared up and down Ginny's body taking in every inch of it Ginny:- *Than..than..thankyou* she stuttered out as her cheeks filled with colour, she was embarrased as she noticed Hermoine checking out her completely naked, exposed body to one of her best friends Hermoine just smiled as she stepped towards Ginny, slowly wrapping both arms round her she pulled her into a hug, she stared into Ginny's eye's where she saw a hint of doubt, pulling away from the hug she stared at Ginny who just looked down at the floor Hermoine:- *We don't have to do this, you can get dressed if you want, we can go back downstairs and get some sleep if you feel like it* she said a little concerned that she had let this get too far Ginny just shook her head, she looked up at Hermoine and gave a nervous smile before she slowly layed down on her makeshift bed, Hermoine was quick to catch on as Ginny quickly spread her legs and closed her eye's, Hermoine got down to her knee's and leaned over Ginny's body softly pressing her lips to Ginny's, Ginny took a while to respond and Hermoine was about to pull away when she felt the kiss been returned, seeing this as a sign to carry on Hermoine slowly ran one hand between there bodys until she reached Ginny's breasts, she slowly gave each one a squeeze before she took the nipple of the right breast between her thumb and forefinger and softly began to pinch it, her actions soon had the desired effect as Ginny let out a small moan into Hermoine's mouth, Hermoine broke the kiss shortly after Ginny let out another few soft moans Hermoine:- *Guess you have sensitive nipples* she half asked half stated Ginny just looked up at her friend before giving a quick embarrased nod, she slowly closed her eye's and was surprised when she felt a tongue flick over her right then left nipple, soon enough Hermoine latched her mouth onto Ginny's left nipple and began flicking over it repeatedly with her tongue while her left hand was back at work with her other nipple repeatedly pinching it softly, her efforts were worthwhile as she had Ginny moaning repeatedly, getting louder and louder with each passing moment, Seeing as she could tell Ginny was probably getting close to orgasm she decided to stop her oral assault on her breasts and go to the main course, she moved back up Ginny's body and softly gave her a quick kiss before she began planting little kisses all down Ginny's body, making sure to pay extra attention to her breasts, she softly kissed down her stomach and stuck her tongue in Ginny's belly button before carrying on south towards her intended target, she softly kissed through her pubic region before missing the outer lips of Ginny's dripping pussy and kissed down her left thigh only to kiss back up her right thigh, with all the kissing done she slowly gave one long lick up Ginny's waiting pussy causing a gasp to escape Ginny's mouth, the sensation was new to her, Hermoine gave another long lick from the bottom to the top of her pussy before repeating the process a few more times, the moans Ginny were emitting were more than enough encouragment for Hermoine to continue her oral assault on her friend, after a few more licks she pulled her mouth away to Ginny's dismay Hermoine:- *Sounds like someone is enjoying herself* she said with a little giggle as she ran one finger along the full length of Ginny's dripping pussy Ginny:- *Mhm i am, please carry on* she half heartedly begged Hermoine responded by slipping one finger slowly into Ginny's pussy, she was extremely wet and Hermoine's finger slipped in with ease, she slipped it all way in to the knuckle before she pulled out and moved it up to her face, without even thinking she sucked the finger into her mouth and tasted all the juices on her finger, the taste was new, it was sweet and completely different to how Hermoine tasted which only made her want more, she always tasted her own juices after she finished playing with herself but Ginny tasted a lot different, she slowly slipped her finger back in Ginny's tight pussy and was instantly rewarded with a moan of pleasure and delight, she quickly found a nice pace to finger her friend and got into a rhythm of pumping in and out a few times before rubbing her finger along her clit a then shoving it back inside as deep as she could get it, after a few minutes of following her rhythm Ginny's moans seemed to get louder and more urgent, she could sense her friend was on the verge of orgasm and seemed to quicken her pace, after another minute or so Hermoine was rewarded with a flood of juices coating her hand, Ginny was experiencing her first non- self induced orgasm, her moans were at critical level and were coming out as low pitched screams as she bucked her hips wildly trying to get herself under control, Hermoine was pleased with her work and wanted to see if she could give her friend another orgasm, she slowly lowered her face to Ginny's pussy and was about to give it a lick when they both heard someone clear their throat, they both turned to the door simultaneously to see non other than Harry stood there Hermoine/Ginny:- *HARRY* they both screamed in unison as Ginny scrambled towards her clothes Harry:- *Looks like you two were having fun* he said his voice full of anger and hate Hermoine:- *Harry this isn't what it looks like* she said trying to draw his attention away from the rapidly dressing ginny Harry:- *So it isn't you and my so called girlfriend having sex behind my back* he retorted angrily Ginny:- *Harry that is what it was but it wasn't as bad as it looked* she said as she started walking towards him, she reached him in a few steps and was a little shocked when he backed away from her Harry:- *Stay away from me* he shouted as he kept backing away from the ever advancing Ginny Hermoine:- *Harry calm down* she said in a soft tone trying to keep things calm, she had been walking behind Ginny and nobody had noticed her until she was stood write next to Ginny and was trying to get close to Harry Harry:- *Calm down, i am calm* he said in a mock calm tone Ginny:- *Harry i'm sorry okay, this just sort of happened, if you didn't run away like you did this would of never happened* she said with tears filling her eye's Harry:- *For what, for cheating on me, for somehow trying to blame me for all this* he stated in a calmer tone Hermoine:- *Harry she wasn't blaming you, she didn't even cheat on you, she did nothing, i did all the work* she stated as she stepped closer to Harry Harry:- *I saw you, even if she did nothing she still didn't stop it, she cheated on me with you Hermoine, you're supposed to be my best friend and you do this with my girlfriend* he pretty much screamed Hermoine:- *Harry i'm just as sorry as ginny, if you want to blame anyone then blame me, don't blame Ginny* she said a little hurt at how Harry was acting, in all the years she had known him he had never treated her like this Harry:- *Why don't i blame both of you* he said angrily before giving Ginny one last look of hatred before apparating out With everything that had been happening neither Hermoine nor Ginny had thought about Ron who they assumed to be downstairs in bed, they were both a little shocked when they saw ron stood around halfway up the stairs looking at both of them with a confused look on his face Ron:- *Was that harry i just saw, i heard arguing and came to see what was going on but it looks like i missed everything* he said a little confused as to why there had been arguing and why Harry had left Hermoine:- *We will explain in the morning okay, do you mind leaving me and Ginny to talk* she asked as she wrapped one arm around Ginny's shoulder Ron:- *Sure* he said as he began walking back downstairs and into the room where his bed was made With all the arguing settled and Ron back in bed Hermoine walked Ginny back into the bedroom and sat her down before sitting next to her and holding her in her arm's, Ginny spent most of the night crying along with Hermoine, by the time the sun arose both Hermoine and Ginny were packed up and ready to head back to the burrow to try and sort out the events of the following night, Ron was quickly awoke by someone shaking him and soon got up when he heard Hermoine tell him she and Ginny wanted to go back to the burrow for personal reasons, they were back at the burrow in no time and soon enough Hermoine and Ginny were rushing back to Ginny's room to talk about everything that had happened. It was three nights after the incident when they first got contact from harry, Ginny awoke quite early morning to find a letter perched on the little bedside table, on the envelope was the name Ginny Weasley and she quickly recognised the hand writing, it was Harrys, she quickly ripped the envelope open to find a tacky piece of paper inside, she opened it up and read what was wrote *Dear Ginny, For what you did to me i cannot forgive, you cheated on me with one of my best friends, i do love you so very much but i don't think i can ever trust you again, without trust in our relationship there will be nothing, that is why i feel that me and you need to take a break from each other and see how that goes, now as my heart breaks i hope one day you can forget me and move on, i wont be returning to the burrow again, tell Ron and Hermoine that im sorry and i hope to see them soon, tell your mum and dad that im grateful for everything they have done for me and remember i will love you always* Ginny read it over and over, the tears streaming down her face as she did, after the third time reading it she couldn't help herself as she jumped out of bed and started to run for the door only to trip over Hermoine who she had forgotten was asleep in the same room, she came tumbling down hard straight onto Hermoine causing Ginny to let out a pained cry while Hermoine opened her eye's and refrained from screaming Hermoine:- *Ginny what are you doing* she asked quiet annoyed to be woken up feeling Ginny falling ontop of her quite hard Ginny scrambled off of Hermoine pretty quickly and just slumped back onto her bed Ginny:- *I'm sorry* she said in a barely audible whisper, she still had tears streaming down her face and Hermoine quickly noticed something was quite wrong Hermoine:- *Ginny what's wrong* she asked feeling very concerned while also feeling a little guilty for been annoyed with Ginny when something was seriously upsetting her Ginny didn't reply instead she just handed Hermoine the letter before laying down on her bed and burying her face in her pillow. Hermoine was silent for what seemed hours while she read the letter over and over again making sure to take in every single word, after a while she slowly put the letter down and without a single word got up and sat on Ginny's bed, she softly layed down next to her and wrapped one arm over her pulling her into a hug. After ten minutes Ginny finally looked up from her pillow to see Hermoine with tears in her eye's, she softly rolled over and wrapped one arm around Hermoine returning the hug she had been given all of ten minutes earlier Hermoine:- *Thankyou* she said in more of a whisper than she had probably wanted, the tears were still filling her eye's Ginny:- *What are friends for, we look out for each other when we need it* she said with a fake smile, she was still hurting and all the pain was tearing her up inside but she knew she had to be there for Hermoine Hermoine:- *But i need to be there for you* she said as a tear escaped her eye's and worked it's way down her cheek, through all this she knew Ginny was trying to be strong for her even though it was all her fault Ginny could see Hermoine's mind working overtime and she probably knew what Hermoine was thinking Ginny:- *It wasn't your fault, i could of stopped it before anything happened, it's just as much my fault Hermoine:- *But i shouldn't of done it, it was like takind advantage of you when you was in a vulnerable state, you needed someone and i went too far, i'm so sorry for what i did* she said as the tears streamed down her face, she quickly turned away from Ginny and started to get up when she felt Ginny grab her arm to stop her Ginny:- *Please don't go* she pleaded as she pulled Hermoine back down to her, she wrapped one arm around her and held her close as they both softly cryed into each other Now for Hermoine her morning was about to get a lot worse, at the exact same time Ginny had recieved her letter Harry had sent another one to his best friend Ron. Ron quickly awoke to the feeling of something landing on his chest, sitting up he noticed it was a sealed envelope with his name on it, inside was a letter which he quickly pulled out and read *Dear Ron, i regret to inform you i have broken up with Ginny and will not be returning to the burrow for the reason that i do not wish to see her again, my reasons for what i did are quite bad and i hope you understand, a few nights back during your stay at 12 grimmauld place i apparated in as i left my sleeping bag and a few possesions there, as i was walking through the house i walked into sirius room to find both Ginny and Hermoine cheating on us, to put it simply Hermoine was laying between the legs of Ginny and she was pretty busy, they both seemed to be enjoying themselves and only stopped when they noticed me stood there, hope you take the news better than i did, your friend always, harry*

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